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Everything posted by Digsy

  1. Nice car. I'd go brakes, rims and exhaust and then leave well alone. Those OEM alloys are looking teeny tiny...
  2. Glad I'm not the only one. Well done for posting - hope it was cathartic.
  3. You could try Dentec in Warrington. Really skilled guy and club discount.
  4. Wow, those pics take me back, Ian.
  5. Do you only do OPL days? They can be a bit off-putting for novices.
  6. Are you lowered? If so, by how much? What size tyres are you proposing to use? Are you happy to roll your arches if necessary?
  7. A little part of me suspects that these may be the new "Lexus-style" lights i.e. cool for 5 mins then achingly naff.
  8. Looks like this has gone now. Anyone on here buy it?
  9. Its the one Sarnie posted up about - http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p To the OP - look at this viewtopic.php?f=18&t=37008&hilit=temper
  10. Jon sold up years ago. Not sure who has this now. Anyone know what happened to Flirt's car? I dont know where his car went but i know where his TT kit and old block are Ah!
  11. TDi North in Warrington are good indies.
  12. It sounds incredibly shoddy of Max Power to try and palm her off with a substandard car but to then print a totally misleading article about it is just plain wrong. What a bunch of to$$ers!
  13. Spotted on Autotrader actually... http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/ ... ?logcode=p
  14. It was still running when I went to pick the car up yesterday morning...
  15. Had a quick chat with your missus and understand its not your first Zed. On here already?
  16. I think you're right but I can't remember whether they got sorted. IIRC the car disappeared after he sold up.
  17. Love the thread! For those that don't know (and give a toss ) Kat and I got married at the tail end of April in Venice. Its was just the two of us, so we wanted to celebrate with our close friends when we got back. We arranged a day out at Cartmel races on Bank Holiday Monday and a meal afterwards. I mentioned it to Martin to get some locals-with-attitude-type advice and, like the true gent he is, the big guy stepped in sorting out a gazebo, chairs, tables and, most importantly, the logistics of getting it all onto the course. It all ran like clockwork (apart from a very dodgy tip from Martin ) and he even booked us some sunshine. Martin and Liz joined us for the day and a fantastic time was had by all. Its no news to anyone that knows Martin but he's a top bloke and we couldn't have had such a great day without his and Liz's help. Cheers Uncle Mart! All that's left to say is - vtec just kicked in, yo!!!
  18. Jon sold up years ago. Not sure who has this now. Anyone know what happened to Flirt's car?
  19. Yup. VQ engines have always been noted as being harsh top end. Not helping the matter is the VQ37VHR revs even higher and is more harsh. Saying that, its not normally noticed as a vibration, more the engine sounds harsh hence my comments about a new exhaust. Maybe you should take it for a quick once over at the dealers? Unfortunately I cant rev mine that high just yet, still under 1k miles. Colin (Ebized) or Mat should be able to confirm as they have more miles on theirs. The MY07 engines were lovely and smooth at high revs - far better than the earlier 350Z engines. A couple of the mags had suggested the 370Z engine wasn't as good but this is the first owner feedback I've seen on the issue.
  20. What do insurance companies say about ditching airbags?
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