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Everything posted by Kuro

  1. thanks guys, I have the standard - non bose - setup, so I think the speakers are fairly standard, i.e. pop in pop out..?
  2. Kuro

    Crunch Time

    I spotted that in the postcard pack you get from Nissan with nice glossy images of the Zed on them. GM with the aluminium looks
  3. Kuro

    Crunch Time

    Kuro looks the best - *when* it's waxed and polished I don't mind GM actually, it was my second colour choice. I think the GM looks good and matches the door handles better than any other shade... If you were after rarity then Chili would be the way to go anyway!
  4. Hello Yep, that's quite normal, mine does it all of the time, I quite like the extra-mechanical feel of it. Yup, me too. Had a Scoob for 4 years before swapping to the Zed, I was pretty sceptical at first, but that went away after, oh, 2 seconds
  5. ok folks, here's a dilemma for ya... For one reason or another (looks, phone kit etc) I could really do with keeping the standard HU in my zed. So, what options does that give me in terms of upgrades, yes I know it's limited I know that I can upgrade the speakers, with some simple like for like swapping work, what about a sub, is there any way to achieve this with the standard(ish) setup..?
  6. I wouldn't say mine was overly noisy, I've never had a car with an 'open-plan' design before, so I attribute some noises to that. I used some Autoglym vinyl and rubber care on my seals the other weekend and it's probaby placebo or something, but I think they are better for it All I can say is that it's a lot quieter and more refined than my old Scooby.
  7. The UK model will always be easier to insure than the Jap model. Bear in mind there are some spec differences between the two, there'll be loads more info if you search, but from memory stuff like the Brembos aren't present on the Jap model. Depends what you are looking for really. Future tuning blokes will often go for Jap over UK. I went for UK for the warranty really. In terms of insurance that does sound pretty steep Have you tried A Plan, they did a cracking quote for my Scooby last year. I would also try Liverpool Victoria, as well as Elephant, who were sub £600 for the 350 this year.
  8. Now fixed thanks to the excellent service from Chorley Nissan. Just for info; it was a popping, hammering noise, that seemed to be coming from everywhere. You could only hear it inside, and it was present throughout the rev range, but very noticable on idle. (only when warm though) Anyway, turned out to be a faulty fuel valve or something similar, located in the engine bay. The guy said that when it's faulty it causes a vibe in the fuel lines, which makes it seem like its coming from all over. But, now fixed
  9. I haven't driven that many Zeds, so it's difficult to know. I'm having a similar noise-related problem at the moment, so I know how you feel I'm planning to take one of the demonstrators out this week, and compare it with mine - maybe you could do the same just to check?
  10. Hi mate, yes, they were my thoughts, especially as yesterday I flicked the aircon to ice cold just to give it some use, with it being winter. It's certainly got that kind of 'bubbling' noise to it. However, tonight it seems to be quite loud, also, the revs are very steady, and don't appear to reflect the aircon use, as they usually do. So I'm a little stumped really Can't help but be a bit worried about it... Then again two nissan techs said they could here it, but said it was no problem. We'll see what comes out of next friday's dealer trip
  11. ? What that then? Just read your post on'tother side; funninly it did seem a bit down on power today, nailed it in forth and it just seemed a bit down. Bit like a heat soaked Scooby..?
  12. Hi all Well, after 6 months of trouble free motoring I have my first weird noise to contend with. I hate weird noises, due to me being a paraniod git and constantly thinking something is about to explode... Anyway, here's what up; It's a weird kind of throaty noise I think, it almost sounds like my Zed has a cold. I can only hear it at idle, I presume it's there throughout though..? Also, it's linked to the engine temp, when I got it out of the garage this morning, no noise, pull up at work - noise back. Weird. I can't seem to pinpoint it either, when I got home last night it was there, I could hear it from inside the cabin, but when I opened the door I could no longer hear it. I'm tempted to say it's coming from the engine bay, but I can't be sure. All I know is that I can hear it inside, when it's warmed up. So what do you think guys..? Could this be exhaust related do you think? It doesn't have a very mechanical sound to it really, I mean it's not drivebelty or anything. Thanks guys - I know it's tricky trying to diagnose on a board (all guages and dials fine)
  13. ok, that's not too bad then thanks guys
  14. Anyone..? I have the front mats, which look sweet But the standard boot map keeps sliding around everywhere. thanks all
  15. sorry guys I must have been doped up when I wrote that What I meant was; Let's say I have 7 years protected NC's, fine and dandy. Then I go and stick the Zed into a wall. Ok, so next time I come up for remewal I get to say; "yes mr elephant/churchill bole, I have 7 years NC's" "have you had any accidents, claims, or convictions in the last 3 years sir" "yep, stuck the Zed into a wall last last month" So! What I am blithering on about ( ) is I will still get penalised for having a bang, so isn't the protected (or GUARANTEED now as I have seen it) a complete scam, scammety scam scam? Anyway, I have decided to protect it with those nice chaps at Elephant, who were pretty much the cheapest, but had NCD protection for £20 and an excess whereby I would not need to sell a kidney.
  16. Hi all Just after your opinions on this guff, insurance time again. Well, the quotes aren't too bad, and I have manged to get some under the magic £600 barrier (for this first time ever!!!) Anyway, just wondering if protected NC's is worth it? I mean, you would still have to declare any accidents anway, so what's the point in saying "yes, I have 7 years NC's, but I wrote my car off last month" Are they saying that will be totally ignored!??? Of course not, you will still get hammered for it. The protection premium can be as much as £100, is that worth it. Insurance; I *know* I'm bending over, but do I really need to buy "NC Protection" and touch my freaking toes..?
  17. Thought I add my two penneth to this one I looked at buying a JDM before settling on my UK Kuro Sweetheart To be honest it was more about that particular car than it was about the import/UK argument. It was a little tatty TBH, and I wasn't keen on the electric blue interior trim The Kuro just looked Sooooo good - but then Kuro's usually do Anyway, my Scooby was an import and that was fantastic value. In terms of the resale folks, you'll find that the further down the financial ladder you slip, the less difference it makes to the resale. My Scooby was MY00 and there was no difference at all between it and a UK model. I suspect the same will be for 6-10 year old Zeds... Given that the Scooby dealers would FLAT refuse to touch an import put loads of people off, but Nissan seem happy to service anything with four wheels So I would just go for it, buy whatever you want, and it will no doubt give you miles of trouble free service. Enjoy!
  18. ... the sqeaky seat problem for me..? My seat seems to have developed a severe squeak, which actually sounds more like a barn door opening..! I think it's related to the left bolster, and it seems to activate when I corner to the right, and my slender frame pushes down on the seat. Anyone else had this, I think there was a TSB for it?
  19. What Date??? Hmmm, my brother in law lives in Chesterfield - could be time for a visit..? (God I love that smiley )
  20. Kuro

    Vent trims

    I'm interested too - does anyone have pics?
  21. http://www.clubvec.com/home/forum_viewforum.php?56
  22. http://www.ladsoc.co.uk/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3678 Not sure how many people are near by, but it looks like a top cause, so they'll be at least one 350 there... Signup on ClubVEC if you're interested
  23. Hi folks Just wondering is it would be a good idea to post most of the well known Warranty issues for the Zed. Maybe the Nissan TSB's as well? K
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