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Steve Burns

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Everything posted by Steve Burns

  1. Just to keep you all up to speed on the situation copied over madmarcos list from z club site Purple is people who have had their names down but have not paid although we had an original cut of date of the 15th April to order and pay for the tickets when we paid for 90 tickets, marco has managed to get a further extension to buy more at the p rebooked rate until the 24th of April so order away if you still want to come As of this date there is one afternoon and three morning track sessions available. 93 attending in 58 cars paid up to date
  2. the order for 90 tickets went in last night and we had overbooked 9 extra tickets and after todatys activity on paypal we have now sold the nine we had as spare trust it to be friday evening as it means we cant get hold of future publishing to try and get some more tickets for late bookies everybody who has paid to date has tickets There is only one query and thats geoff r as can not find any details of a payment on paypal
  3. we have no record of the payment on paypal can you pm me your actual name so I can recheck
  4. wimp so you wont have he pleasure of seeing burnsie being silly
  5. keep them coming in guys as there is only a few days left before we have to tell the organizers of how many tickets and spaces we require if you hit trouble getting to the paypal thingy on the z club site bell me on 0208 575 0582 and will talk you through it but not to night as i am going bye byes to catch some zzzzzzs
  6. Ditto You are a star note is 100% correct unlike martins non existent one
  7. good man thanks for paying by paypal we need to confirm to organisers how many entrance tickets we need to order so need your payment asap cheerz
  8. Could I ask that when anyone pays for thier tickets through the Z Club paypal donate button that they could put a note in the box saying "japfest entrance tickets x number" as we are also using the donate button for payment to PPC in the Paark and it makes it easier to make sure we have you allocated for the correct place
  9. We now have firm dates set for this there wiil be travelling over to Ireland on the Saturday 3rd july and returning to England on the Sunday 11th of July We are planing to do an overnight stop on the Friday 2nd July somewere near Holyhead and again another overnight stop on the Sunday 11th July just in case England reach the world Cup final More updates as they occur
  10. Thats a shame as it is almost the same as NS said a couple of years ago when they said we are to big now to share a stand with anyone else
  11. Thats why the ZZZZs are there and wondering why my pig don't bow?
  12. Also waiting for chesterfields photos of all the winners getting their awards to put faces to names ZZZZZ
  13. ZEDFEST2009 AWARDS Best 240Z XFW 48J Michael Harris aka moggy240 Highly commended EKP 307K Paul Lawance aka lauro Best 260Z PVH 265M Dale Errington aka Dale Highly commended XYX 600T Ian Kitto aka Decay Best 260Z 2+2 TLU 111R Graham Illsley aka Maharg Best 280Z 2+2 Emil Stojanov Best 280ZX 2+2 UPR 83X John Peek Best Z32 A3 OUX Andy Isherwood Aka Andy Isherwood Highly commended G196 VWD Mark Kenney aka Madmarco Best Z32 2+2 K503 MGW Chris Mayo aka Krsmayo Highly commended Vincent Pykett aka Bee Gee VinZ Best 350Z M17 UDD Craig Mudd aka Muddy Highly commended S111 REC James Chapman aka Shire350z Furthest traveled Emil Stojanov (Emil drove over from Holland for the event) Car of Show M17 UDD Craig Mudd aka Muddy Member of the Year Derek Sulley aka Arkwright (This Award is not normally given to Committee members But this year due to Derek having to stand down due to ill health it was felt that a special case should be made this year) Photos to follow when received Not sure if this in the right section and can't center text
  14. I am glad you all felt so welcome as you arrived and were wished a great goodbye as you left A big thanks for coming guys and girls
  15. The only person I would advise you to steer clear of is porkenstien as he can be a bit of a swine
  16. A few more added to the latest updated list and all will have a great welcome 1.Steve Burns 2. ClarCE 3. H5 4. M13KYF 5. Digsy (subject to still having a Zed... teeth ) 6. martinmac 7. M350ZB 8. Chesterfield 9. Shire 10. Arkwright 11. Jakthe Ruby 12. Rob Gaskin 13. Nidge74. 14. tulip 15. Mr Ex & Jr 16. 260Z TT in my 260z, and Gill & Jay in the new addition 350z roadster! 17. Russ 18. Saz 19. Andy 20. Darkside TT (Neil) + 1 and 2 children 21. Zogg 22. Lisa & Dave 23. Nickz32 + Jodie 24. Funkyboogalooo 25. zpuppy+ Mrs zpuppy 26. snowygt 27. madmarco 28. Murt 29. Legrath 30. Bee Gee Vinz 31. Krsmayo 32. Croeso 33. Guynkate (and maybe 2 kids 34. Madden ( last meet as a single man ) 35. Envy Valeting (will also wanting to do the "trader thing") 36. Toon Chris 37. FunkySi + maddie 38. Joelyp 39. Richiep. 40. boosted=Z +1 41. Markie 42. Caroline 43. Beavis 44. Nellys 300zx 45. Andy Isherwood 46. Muddy 47. xstric9 48. Chilli Red 49. Adriank 50. andymc 51. dominique 52, Envy ( Kev and Gaz) 53. geraghtyr200 54. A Pair of Flabby Wings 55. Lincolnbaggie 56. grolls 57. GZ32 + 1 58. J1OKY 59. Munny975 (All Sat and Half Sunday) 60. tishcars 61. JoGo350Z 62. Scott 63. R35LEE 64. Kevin Mansell & partner (Sat/Sun) 65. dano 66. dcash5 67. zedhead8 (all sat and sun) 68. moggy240 69. Dale 70. whitey.1984 71. ikarus 72. kev64 73. Bantumbunny 74. zbloke 75. GTR-240Z 76. John Dixon 77. hitman13 78. Gezz & Laura (just no spitting on my car) 79. RSJ 80. Dave Holland 81. Emil Stojanov & Son (from Holland) 82. Zedboy&Becky 83. Becky's Dad 84. CS 85. Ric 86. AndrewG And will be wished a fond farewell
  17. Unfortunately the RSPCA have informed us we are not allowed to have a catfight there this year
  18. Another 6 added to the list Woop Woop Woop What a marvelous tonic for arkwright and will give him a great boost after his health problems Big thanks to you all 1.Steve Burns 2. ClarCE 3. H5 4. M13KYF 5. Digsy (subject to still having a Zed... teeth ) 6. martinmac 7. M350ZB 8. Chesterfield 9. Shire 10. Arkwright 11. Jakthe Ruby 12. Rob Gaskin 13. Nidge74. 14. tulip 15. Mr Ex & Jr 16. 260Z TT in my 260z, and Gill & Jay in the new addition 350z roadster! 17. Russ 18. Saz 19. Andy 20. Darkside TT (Neil) + 1 and 2 children 21. Zogg 22. Lisa & Dave 23. Nickz32 + Jodie 24. Funkyboogalooo 25. zpuppy+ Mrs zpuppy 26. snowygt 27. madmarco 28. Murt 29. Legrath 30. Bee Gee Vinz 31. Krsmayo 32. Croeso 33. Guynkate (and maybe 2 kids 34. Madden ( last meet as a single man ) 35. Envy Valeting (will also wanting to do the "trader thing") 36. Toon Chris 37. FunkySi + maddie 38. Joelyp 39. Richiep. 40. boosted=Z +1 41. Markie 42. Caroline 43. Beavis 44. Nellys 300zx 45. Andy Isherwood 46. Muddy 47. xstric9 48. Chilli Red 49. Adriank 50. andymc 51. dominique 52, Envy ( Kev and Gaz) 53. geraghtyr200 54. A Pair of Flabby Wings 55. Lincolnbaggie 56. grolls 57. GZ32 + 1 58. J1OKY 59. Munny975 (All Sat and Half Sunday) 60. tishcars 61. JoGo350Z 62. Scott 63. R35LEE 64. Kevin Mansell & partner (Sat/Sun) 65. dano 66. dcash5 67. zedhead8 (all sat and sun) 68. moggy240 69. Dale 70. whitey.1984 71. ikarus 72. kev64 73. Bantumbunny 74. zbloke 75. GTR-240Z 76. John Dixon 77. hitman13
  19. The ball is really rolling now Another 4 names added 1.Steve Burns 2. ClarCE 3. H5 4. M13KYF 5. Digsy (subject to still having a Zed... teeth ) 6. martinmac 7. M350ZB 8. Chesterfield 9. Shire 10. Arkwright 11. Jakthe Ruby 12. Rob Gaskin 13. Nidge74. 14. tulip 15. Mr Ex & Jr 16. 260Z TT in my 260z, and Gill & Jay in the new addition 350z roadster! 17. Russ 18. Saz 19. Andy 20. Darkside TT (Neil) + 1 and 2 children 21. Zogg 22. Lisa & Dave 23. Nickz32 + Jodie 24. Funkyboogalooo 25. zpuppy+ Mrs zpuppy 26. snowygt 27. madmarco 28. Murt 29. Legrath 30. Bee Gee Vinz 31. Krsmayo 32. Croeso 33. Guynkate (and maybe 2 kids 34. Madden ( last meet as a single man ) 35. Envy Valeting (will also wanting to do the "trader thing") 36. Toon Chris 37. FunkySi + maddie 38. Joelyp 39. Richiep. 40. boosted=Z +1 41. Markie 42. Caroline 43. Beavis 44. Nellys 300zx 45. Wendy Wish I Could 46. Muddy 47. xstric9 48. Chilli Red 49. Adriank 50. andymc 51. dominique 52, Envy ( Kev and Gaz) 53. geraghtyr200 54. A Pair of Flabby Wings 55. Lincolnbaggie 56. grolls 57. GZ32 + 1 58. J1OKY 59. Munny975 (All Sat and Half Sunday) 60. tishcars 61. JoGo350Z 62. Scott 63. R35LEE 64. Kevin Mansell & partner (Sat/Sun) 65. dano 66. dcash5 67. zedhead8 (all sat and sun) 68. moggy240 69. Dale 70. whitey.1984
  20. NEW UPDATED LIST From all forums and adjusted numbers 1.Steve Burns 2. ClarCE 3. H5 4. M13KYF 5. Digsy (subject to still having a Zed... teeth ) 6. martinmac 7. M350ZB 8. Chesterfield 9. Shire 10. Arkwright 11. Jakthe Ruby 12. Rob Gaskin 13. Nidge74. 14. tulip 15. Mr Ex & Jr 16. 260Z TT in my 260z, and Gill & Jay in the new addition 350z roadster! 17. Russ 18. Saz 19. Andy 20. Darkside TT (Neil) + 1 and 2 children 21. Zogg 22. Lisa & Dave 23. Nickz32 + Jodie 24. Funkyboogalooo 25. zpuppy+ Mrs zpuppy 26. snowygt 27. madmarco 28. Murt 29. Legrath 30. Bee Gee Vinz 31. Krsmayo 32. Croeso 33. Guynkate (and maybe 2 kids 34. Madden ( last meet as a single man ) 35. Envy Valeting (will also wanting to do the "trader thing") 36. Toon Chris 37. FunkySi + maddie 38. Joelyp 39. Richiep. 40. boosted=Z +1 41. Markie 42. Caroline 43. Beavis 44. Nellys 300zx 45. Wendy Wish I Could 46. Muddy 47. xstric9 48. Chilli Red 49. Adriank 50. andymc 51. dominique 52, Envy ( Kev and Gaz) 53. geraghtyr200 54. A Pair of Flabby Wings 55. Lincolnbaggie 56. grolls 57. GZ32 + 1 58. J1OKY 59. Munny975 (All Sat and Half Sunday) 60. tishcars
  21. If you do not get enough people for a stand the Z club has booked in already and we could welcome anybody on the stand subject to room and hey we could always get some extra tickets HTH
  22. And a couple more A few more names added to the list 1/ Steve Burns 2/ ClarCE 3/ H5 4/ M13KYF 5/ Digsy (subject to still having a Zed... teeth ) 6/ martinmac 7/ M350ZB 8/ Chesterfield 9/ Shire 10/ Arkwright 11/ Jakthe Ruby 12. Rob Gaskin 13. Nidge74. 14. tulip 15. Mr Ex & Jr 16. 260Z TT in my 260z, and Gill & Jay in the new addition 350z roadster! 17. Russ 18. Saz 19. Andy 20. Darkside TT (Neil) + 1 and 2 children 21. Zogg 22. Lisa & Dave 23. Steve-300ZX 24. Nickz32 + Jodie 25. Funkyboogalooo 26. zpuppy+ Mrs zpuppy 27. snowygt 28. madmarco 29. Murt 30. Legrath 31. Bee Gee Vinz 32. Krsmayo 33. Croeso 34. Guynkate (and maybe 2 kids 35. Madden ( last meet as a single man ) 36. Envy Valeting (will also wanting to do the "trader thing") 37. Toon Chris 38. FunkySi + maddie 39. Joelyp 40. Richiep. 41. boosted=Z +1 42. Markie 43. Caroline 44. Beavis 45. Nellys 300zx 46. Wendy Wish I Could
  23. Darren-b Unfortunatly I can not find a nice pickie of you car so I can get included in the group of photos of the award winning cars any chance you could let me have a nice photo of your caar Cheerz
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