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Everything posted by urbanmyth

  1. Think they look ok on my Z
  2. Hi Captint I was not taking it as a snip mate. I was just curious on why you thought this. I do agree that the plenum and zorst will help but I fill it is not essential. The way I see things is that the kit fitted by G-Force & WRC are the same kit. The only difference would be the mapping and I know from past experience this is what can make or break an engine. The WRC cars are mapped to a realistic and safe level and not just chasing head line BHP as I fill the G-Force car did. This is just my thought
  3. Hi all Just like to point out one or two thing. I do not have a plenum and the car is fine without it at the power level that WRC set the cars at. It is NOT an essential item at this power level. As for the exhaust Flirt (correct me if I am wrong) dose not have a standard system on his car. Even if this was the case as long as the mapping is done correctly this should not be a huge problem and can be mapped around. Both item mention here do and will help the engine breath a lot bet so there fore be more efficient and help the boost to be turned down to an even safer level. It would not be in WRC interest to sell and fit this package it they did not fill it was safe to do so. I have now covered over 7K with this fitted and mapped correctly and all is fine as I think Flirt & Captint will hopeful confirm after there test drive in my car. Just one other thing Captint just curious why you think it is a bad move ?
  4. Hi Yep I have a TT set up and had it fitted and mapped by WRC. They will map the car for 400bhp 400ftlbs. At this level I have run the car for a total off 6k now and all is running fine and dandy. I would recommend WRC as they have now done 5 off APS TT kits now. If you are interested give them a call and talk to Alan or Chris they will sort you out. This kit transforms the car and is a real hoot to drive. If you have a questions please fill free to pm me. Thanks Mark
  5. Nixy I know and I do apologise but it had the desired effect and sold them very quickly
  6. 18" Forged Rays Engineering Alloy Wheels SET OF 4 8" fronts & 8.5" Rears All With Bridestone Tyres - All Legal - These wheels havent had a hard life - the car is cleaned weekly and is not used weekdays and a woman has never driven the car so the wheels are in excellent condition! The car they came off is a 54 plate Nissan 350Z Tyres: Bridgestone Potenza 225/45/18 Fronts 245/45/18 Rears Fronts Have 5mm Rears 3mm Covered 12K 1 Wheel has very slight kerbing - nothing to worry about and very easily re-furbed - Quoted £40.00ish These wheels look stunning If you do wish to collect - I work in E4 London or live near Colchester Essex and am happy to accomodate collection from either location http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/18-Nissan-350Z-Fo ... dZViewItem
  7. Give Chris @ Wrs a call he is a wiz with Ecu and mapping
  8. This if from Giles him self Figures prior to failure (estimated crank) were Power 425.3 BHP @ 6100rpm Torque 430FtLb @ 4100rpm Boost peaking @ 0.585bar / 8.5psi http://www.350zmotoring.com/forums/show ... 374&page=2
  9. The car that have blown are the G-Force car. That car had the exhaust fitted. Giles,s car went pop as well. What is the common denominator here G-Froce. Yep the tune (map) off the car is important. But not just important it is the most important thing on the system. A bad map will destroy an engine quicker than anything else. I fill this is where G-Force fell on it’s ass big time as they did not have any one who could map a car correctly. I am not get into a argument about WRC as every one will have there own opinion and experience on them. All I will say is that if you was not happy with them try talking to them instead off going on to an open forum and complaining as this will get you know where with the problems you are having.
  10. Hi Yep the car is running a treat thanks. I had the test pipes fitted when I had the kit fitted. Every time I go out in it I like a cat. If you like the car as standard then you will love the BHP & lbs you get with this kit. I would like to add my two pence worth to this exhaust issue that is going on at the moment. Yes it dose help the thermal loading but as long as the mapping is done correct on the system you are running then all should be fine. I have had 4 previous modified turbo charged car (RS Turbo, GTI R , MR2 Turbo, Impreza) along with a (Honda Integra). As I said I modified them all exhaust and ECU. All the car listed I have fitted a ECU and had them mapped to the exhaust I was using. In the case off the GTI R and the Impreza I changed the exhaust system 3 times on each car. Each time the car had to be remapped for the system I was running. What I am trying to say in short is the mapping has to reflect the modification done (or not done) to the car. If you are going to push the car to the limits off what the engine can handle and not take in to account the modifications in to the map then there will be only one out come (good bye engine). Chris at WRC who dose all the mapping is very experience and will map on the safe side. The standard engine can handle 400bhp no problem but when you start to push things to more than that and do not have a very good map then the inevitable will happen. All the car I have modified I have never had a engine let go on me. In my opinion a well mapped ECU taking in to account the modification done and not running the car to the maximum it can take is why I fill i have yet to have a engine failure. All off the above is from my experience as a turbo nut. I am no stranger to modified car as the list below shows RS Turbo 240Bhp GTIR 280Bhp Mr2 Turbo 300Bhp Impreza 290Bhp Integra 230Bhp
  11. Hi Don’t really need one. Just take it easy for the first mile or so until it nice and hot. When you are coming to a stop just take it easy for the last mile or so and all should be fine. This is my 4th turbo car I have had and never had a timer on any off them and all have been fine And yes it will interferer with the alarm
  12. Headbanger you have PM
  13. Hello headbanger I cant say that I have experienced it but as to yet I have not had the traction control off. It has cut it once or twice but that has only been in the wet. All in all when you get 400 plus bhp:teeth: going thought the rear tyres it is all ways going to be a bit off fun. I have also noticed that the rest off the car is well up for the extra power. The brakes are fine and the chasse and suspension is more than capable. Where in Essex are you ?
  14. This is the second car they have done for me. My first car was as Subaru Impreza. I done over 40k and it was spot on. This is why I went back to them. I have all ways found them to be very knowledgeable and will to explain it in simple terms so you can understand. As I said give them a call speak to Alan.
  15. Just had my car done at http://www.wrc-tech.co.uk/350Z_twin-turbo.htm give them a call and have a chat to Alan APS TT
  16. I will post some pics the weekend when it is clean. As for WRC as I said this is the second car they have extensively modified for me both times I have found them to be superb in work, results and knowledge. My previous car ran flawlessly for many many miles. Witch is one off the reasons I used then againe
  17. Yep i know Minel. i was going by how much i put in the tank to get home and there was not a big difrence. WRC silverstone me Colchester so a bit off a run. but as i said that depend on how the car is driven. if it is driven all the time then 3.5lt twin turbo will drink like a fish
  18. Have a look at there web site for pricing or call and talk to Al and have a chat about SC.
  19. The Mpg is running about the same if not a bit better because the map is for the car not an off the shelf one fits all. But that depend on how the car is driven. On a normal run there is not much in it to be honest.
  20. Hi All Don’t know is this is the correct section to post this (please move if it isn’t) I would just like to say a big thanks to WRC Technologies http://www.wrc-tech.co.uk/ They have done a full APS Twin Turbo conversion on my car and I must say what a difference. The Z now runs smother, faster, idles better than ever. Any one thinking of doing the APS TT thing I would hole heartedly recommend it. The kit transforms the car in to a car Nissan should have built in the first place. As ever WRC Tech did a good job. This is the second car they have done off mine. If any off you are thinking off using WRC again I highly recommend them. Good work, price, service, and knowledge and excellent facilities. Once again big thank Alan (Big Al), Chris (Mapping Guru) and Jamey (The technician) Mark (urbanmyth)
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