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Everything posted by charlied

  1. Thanks mate! Right here we go...
  2. Can you give me your email? If so i can send pictures cos i cant seem to upload them
  3. Can you be more specific (ie: a picture) of what you need. I may have it but dont be too quick to flash your ring
  4. She is nice! Provided she gets stuffed with meat twice a day...
  5. charlied

    Nismo Exhaust

    You think it will be up to a paint job that loud?
  6. charlied

    Nismo Exhaust

    Sarnies finally bought an exhaust?
  7. Cheers Sarn. Yeah i found out they were Nissan Platinum Silver laid over a black base from Kent Wheels (i think they were called) who refurb them apparently. I will now amend the boo boo on my ebay advert re:100 kuro black...
  8. Correct me please Sarnie I need help Apparently the paint colour is Platinum Silver tho
  9. Got a passenger headlight complete in the cupboard...
  10. charlied


    Im 26 and completely sane
  11. Right my brother is sat next to me and he is a Jaguar mechanic and he has this to say... Pre 2002.5 Auto gearboxes (listen for any whining, changes should be smooth etc) Air Con leakages (should get ice cold) Front Suspension (worn ball joints and excessive tyre wear) Door locks bouncing Water leaks in boot/spare wheel well. Post 2002.5 Torque converter in auto gearbox (feels like it lurches at low speeds) Electric handbrake motors Rear brakes binding and wearing discs out. Audio units playing up All vehicles of all ages have had problems with flaky skin deposits in the slippers and this can provide a most uncomfortable driving experience Any vehicle of any age should have a full service history (essential) and evidence of repair and warranty work too. This is not a guarantee of the cars roadworthiness however as it is possible for someone to service the vehicle and ignore the garages warning about problems with their vehicle. He does say that most of the above items should have been sorted within the cars warranty period other than that they are a great car.
  12. Thanks Nick. I would also like to confirm that both the Sgt and his Zed are in good order as well
  13. Gosh! Look what I have just found on ebay! http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/2005-NISSAN-350Z- ... dZViewItem
  14. How weird. Have also just paid a deposit on an FQ-400 this afternoon... in silver! Gonna really miss the zed but it will be great having something more practical (slightly) again BTW ur evo looks lush
  15. Nice one m8 i'll keep an eye on ur progress. Always think a remap would have made my car with the mods ihad (full system inc decat, induction and plenum) which is similar to what uve got isnt it?
  16. De-Cat and Plenum seem to work the best if u cant afford to sort the ecu out imo
  17. Yes thanks got it the other day and have paid it in so will post it Monday if thats ok.
  18. Nice one Stew have u fitted it yet? Ur mother is to blame Liam apparently OH AND SARNIE... Stop moaning and buy an exhaust
  19. Cool. If u need anythin gives us an email m8.
  20. My PM function has died so could you contact me using my email: charliedaker@hotmail.com
  21. charlied

    V4 Plenum

    Hi its me! Im to blame! lol I have spoken with Ian and am trying to help him sort this out. The plenum is complete from Kinetix and the guy who fitted mine has spoken to him to try and help him sort this out.
  22. Cheers Minel! I will return at a later date with something Zed related... Anyone who is interested pls pls PM me asap to avoid dissapointment cos some of the things have already gone. As Minel has pointed out these things are well priced- i can hardly go mad on prices to fellow members. Not only are they well priced but u will be very lucky to see things such as the DC Sports or JL Box come up again 2nd hand! Love you all
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