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Liam's Z

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Everything posted by Liam's Z

  1. I know you would mate.... Catch up soon
  2. You never told us your current mileage Dicky???
  3. not yet................. but i did mention a bikini and her sitting on me bike........!! Do you want some???
  4. Top rants Steve (coat hanger boy).... Hopefully meet up again soon.... You can buy me some beverages not mentioning any bbq food btw this why you sold "met some complete and utter ar5eholes that drive a 350z and think they should have been put down at birth"
  5. Call the dealerships mate... Just make sure you shop around an play 1 off each other
  6. Well the deal is no more than 60k in 3 years... Think you'll beat that???
  7. I never bothered to read it mate... If you know your gonna be doing high miles then obviously it would work out cheaper to strike a deal with the stealer... Isn't there a clause with warranty if you exceed mileage quota for the year, but your going the JDM route, rite???
  8. AFAIK you don't need to buy through a dealer to take out this option!!! That said why buy a service plan??? Sure your not mistaking this with extended warranty???
  9. If it's helped with the sale then what a bonus
  10. Bloody hell Rob you a connoisseur in clay???
  11. Scrimp on brake pads??? Some people do. i'd rather do that than scrimp on tyres Sarnie, you are a worry. Seriously, you'd scrimp on brake pads and rotors? They're just as important as good tyres. When doing scrutineering in a club situation, we'll boot people off for brakes, just as much as tyres. Sigh............ That's always the problem with people doing modifications... Yeah lets whack a load of extra bhp but then they totally forget about they've still got to stop the dam thing with std breaks
  12. Oh really.... Didn't realise your mum was bk off holiday so soon!!! She's not, went with your gran Ha ha love you lad (obviously not in that sense) but yeah you know what I mean.... Could say that 2 others but they'd just get You'd have to try harder than that to rattle my cage you cum smuggler The only time I'm hiding the white stuff is when it's in you mum's arhhhhhhh sorry couldn't resist Do you accidentally blow cum bubbles when you talk? Only after kissing your Mum, Sorry. or is it your Sister BTW it's better than farting em like you
  13. Scrimp on brake pads??? Some people do. i'd rather do that than scrimp on tyres But what makes you stop bonehead??? Nite dude I'm goosed.... All that's left to say is pitty that lanky git come on in the 80th minute
  14. Eh? Not quite sure what your saying there? The BMW stigma is due to the non indicating ****er drivers who probably are all non owners as most are probably company or lease cars!!! Most probably couldn't actually even afford to buy a beemer but once in the seat turn into ****ing dickwads. The same probably applies to the stealers. I bet most of the employee's couldn't afford to buy one of their own cars but lord about giving it the big'un like lord muck In my experience, anyone that BUYS a BMW usually appreciate the car and its attributes and are not feckin losers. IMO anyone in a 3 series, shirt and tie with the jacket hanging in the back, bluetooth adapter on the ear and holding a map should be shot off the road Top rant dawg, I agree with you totally. No longer does BMW hold that executive sophisticated look, there all just Ten a Penny!!! Ok we still hold the Datsun heritage (excluding them faggots in Lambo's) but in all honesty how many 350's do you see driving down the road??? Ok yeah it's early days so yeah I can chat sh1t The thing was, in the 80's a bmw signalled money/success. In the 90's HP became prevalent as did company cars and leasing etc. This spawned the ******* we have on the roads today. I would bet £100 that at least 60% of bmw owners I see do not own their cars. I would buy a BMW but it would have to be a top of the range kind of model like an M5,M6,M3 or a Z4M..........I would replace the indicatoe bulbs with bloody xenon bulbs so everyone can see me indicating Do they make BM's with indicators??? Its a £3000 extra Think they'd sooner haver the xtra coat hanger
  15. HAHA Glad you appreciated that Some people haven't been on here long enough to appreciate the colour wars Think I've lost you bro I'll let Louis explain
  16. Eh? Not quite sure what your saying there? The BMW stigma is due to the non indicating ****er drivers who probably are all non owners as most are probably company or lease cars!!! Most probably couldn't actually even afford to buy a beemer but once in the seat turn into ****ing dickwads. The same probably applies to the stealers. I bet most of the employee's couldn't afford to buy one of their own cars but lord about giving it the big'un like lord muck In my experience, anyone that BUYS a BMW usually appreciate the car and its attributes and are not feckin losers. IMO anyone in a 3 series, shirt and tie with the jacket hanging in the back, bluetooth adapter on the ear and holding a map should be shot off the road Top rant dawg, I agree with you totally. No longer does BMW hold that executive sophisticated look, there all just Ten a Penny!!! Ok we still hold the Datsun heritage (excluding them faggots in Lambo's) but in all honesty how many 350's do you see driving down the road??? Ok yeah it's early days so yeah I can chat sh1t The thing was, in the 80's a bmw signalled money/success. In the 90's HP became prevalent as did company cars and leasing etc. This spawned the ******* we have on the roads today. I would bet £100 that at least 60% of bmw owners I see do not own their cars. I would buy a BMW but it would have to be a top of the range kind of model like an M5,M6,M3 or a Z4M..........I would replace the indicatoe bulbs with bloody xenon bulbs so everyone can see me indicating Do they make BM's with indicators???
  17. Oh really.... Didn't realise your mum was bk off holiday so soon!!! She's not, went with your gran Ha ha love you lad (obviously not in that sense) but yeah you know what I mean.... Could say that 2 others but they'd just get You'd have to try harder than that to rattle my cage you cum smuggler The only time I'm hiding the white stuff is when it's in you mum's arhhhhhhh sorry couldn't resist
  18. Eh? Not quite sure what your saying there? The BMW stigma is due to the non indicating ****er drivers who probably are all non owners as most are probably company or lease cars!!! Most probably couldn't actually even afford to buy a beemer but once in the seat turn into ****ing dickwads. The same probably applies to the stealers. I bet most of the employee's couldn't afford to buy one of their own cars but lord about giving it the big'un like lord muck In my experience, anyone that BUYS a BMW usually appreciate the car and its attributes and are not feckin losers. IMO anyone in a 3 series, shirt and tie with the jacket hanging in the back, bluetooth adapter on the ear and holding a map should be shot off the road Top rant dawg, I agree with you totally. No longer does BMW hold that executive sophisticated look, there all just Ten a Penny!!! Ok we still hold the Datsun heritage (excluding them faggots in Lambo's) but in all honesty how many 350's do you see driving down the road??? Ok yeah it's early days so yeah I can chat sh1t
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