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Liam's Z

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Everything posted by Liam's Z

  1. Me me me Called Sky today on the automated line. All I had to do was give me telephone number Gonna be a sellout in mine. Just hope I can stay awake with all the the Poker an Beers b4hand
  2. This her louis??? http://weetards.vando.net/wp-content/up ... ss_atm.jpg
  3. Thinking about getting a tracker??? Instead I'm going for one of these: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zQJkec5OcKw
  4. £2250 holy sh1t You tried the flux???
  5. HaHa you bad man! Question is tho how many people would stop ?.?.? I suspect many would say they would but very few would!! It's not worth it at the end of the day. A Z can be repaired pretty easily tbh! Well if that's the case then these people are either very naive or stupid!!!! Btw I forgot to mention that this was ha half 1 in the morning. . . .
  6. HaHa you bad man! Question is tho how many people would stop ?.?.?
  7. Liam's Z

    I want one

    sounds shocking on standstill
  8. No cameras guy's, virtually the start of the East Lancs! Yeah the adrenalin was in overdrive. I'd love to here the police recording - it must be class. I'm sure I sounded like that guy off Police Camera Action
  9. Tuesday nite, heading home from town a white Vauxhall Zafira followed me for about half a mile with about 5 heads in it. Thinking they seemed dodgy I approached the traffic lights with caution deliberately making sure not to come to a complete standstill. I check the rear view mirror only to realise that these nutters had no intention of stopping, so I slipped Zelda back into 2nd gear, starting to move off at which point these little toe-rags rammed me in the bk... Literally I had 2 seconds to decide wtf to do? Anger kicked in but common sense prevailed (which is totally out of character ) I decided to pull away, then these guy's starting flashing, indicated and pulled over at which point I stopped... Instead of getting out I got on the blower via the hands free - honest and called the police. Watching them closely they started to pull towards me at which point I pulled away... Obviously the Zafira is no comparison to the zed so Basically I started playing cat an mouse, but these guy's were serious! I must of drove through at least 5 sets of traffic lights which were all on green when I approached, but I'm sure all theirs were all RED - if you get what I mean. So going bk, I'm on the phone to the local police getting directions to the police station by a very reassuring voice whilst screaming for the bloody helicopter lol, when these decided to do a U-turn an give up! Unbelievably Zelda didn't even have a scratch. That plastic bk end has some give, thankyou Nissan. Gave a statement but unfortunately not getting the registration it counted for jack sh1t. Anyway I'm still here, Zelda's still here an finally the internet working So all for me to say if roll on the weekend and COME ON RICKY "THE HITMAN HATTON"
  10. Liam's Z

    I want one

    Nice little flame thrower!
  11. Upgrade your membership mate - mine does beer
  12. HaHa Beavis beat me 2 it aswell as u Mike
  13. What's the difference between England Football team & Lewis Hamilton??? Hamilton will still have his Mclaren next year
  14. Well done Sarnie you whorrrrrrrrrre
  15. Bought it from Steve Jones off here iirc... He decided against it so let it go 2 me for a decent price!!! Speed Racing makes it if that’s any help... Valerio the Italian guy aka TheMinel could source it but unfortunately he's no longer around!!!
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