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Everything posted by Paintshield
Hi Guys, I know there are a number of people on here and in the other site who used to be in the Celica Club, Today I heard some distressing News Perry one of the UKS best Jap Metal car modders and great all round guy ,apparrently died of a Heart Attack over the weekend. He Was 46 years young. I am awaiting further details as I have them to hand I will post them up as I get them. My Condolences to his family. Tom
Looking forwrd to it Val will be nice to see what you have done to your baby cheers Tom
Hi Guys we have run a club offer in the other place for January I am now going to offer the same offer for February ONLY, to you guys. Full Bonnet Full Wings Bumper wing Mirrors and Sills and wheel arch protection £750 plus VAT Normal retail for this lot £1100 plus Vat This is a one off Offer for February only and is well over and above the normal club price (which is considerably discounted anyway). I could not run the offer to both clubs at the same time due to demand management issues Best Wishes Tom
Paintshield - surely it has wear and tear issues too...?
Paintshield replied to stevie_350z's topic in Paint & Protection
HI Guys sorry I lost the link to the forum and we have been shut down over Chrimbo so I had not picked up on this (plus I am swamped all the time so I can't get on forums as much personally these days) no excuse I know but hey stuff happens Ok on Minor scratches and abrasions because the film is plastic it may well get some swirl marks or minor scratches or the odd scuff during its life but with the 3M film (only the 3M film incidentally) you can fix these with a quick run down the chemists, there are a couple of threads on this issue on either this forum or in the other place (sorry cant remember as I am on about 60 forums) Basically what you do to keep it simple is if you have this, nip down to the chemists get a bottle of rubbing alchohol (otherwise called Iso Propyl alcohol) Get Some Bounty tissue and a lint free cloth. Put the Kettle on (might as well have a coffee while you wait) Then this is what you do.... Step 1 ensure you are not smoking do not operate electrical equipment and ensure you are in a well ventilated environment in other words open garage doors (yes Valerio this means you too) Step 2 Then You saturate the bounty with the neat alcohol lay it on the surface of the film. Step 3 pour a little moure on the bounty and around it to get a pool then glide (not rub read this twice) the liquid around the film Step 4 keep some dry bounty to hand to mop up the run off prolonged exposure of the edges to to neat alcohol MAY cause lift so soak up the excess as you go. Step 5 when you have coated the whole surface remove the tissue and go to the freshly boiled kettle make and dring coffee cocoa tea (whatever) go back 20-30 mins later and the alcohol will have evapourated off the car (do not light fag etc at this point) Step 6 Gently buff film with lint free cloth. This will remove most if not all of the scratches you get and on those threads one customer removed cat scratches from his Zed and the other took out bumper scuffs when his boss clipped the car (obviously this wont work if the graze has torn the film) really simple to do and will cost you about 90p for the alcohol Hope that helps Cheers Tom PS if you need someone to talk you through this when you do it for the first time just call me 01476 592777 and I will walk you through it before you start. -
HI Thanks for the Kind Remarks, the reason we take so much effort on customer service is being a petrolhead myself I got fed up with being continually screwed over and we decided we were never going to have a business like that. The only difference between good service and poor service is your frame of mind IMHO. Giving a customer the bums rush might save you money in the short term but boy is it going to cost you in the long term Cheers and keep enjoying your cars thats what they are for Tom
To be fair Tom, that's not a Zed issue as you have put, that's resprays that can affect any car. Well yes and No as it was allegedly done by a Nissan Dealer prior to the customer getting it (supposedly an ex demonstrator) Cant be absolutley certain that the dealer did it just waht the customer was told Cheers Tom
The paint isues with Zeds just seem to be getting worse, we just had to turn away a client for the full frontal treatment because the car had obviously had a respray and there was almost NO clearcoat on there, the muppets who did it did not even take off the number plate plinth and sprayed around it Makes me so mad to see naff workmanship like this, done before he collected the car. We are seeing more and more really bad resprays so think about protection long and hard before taking the car on the road. Cheers Tom
Never got these when you cinsider Paint protection film has been around for years now why would anyone entertain these?
Do you have any Before and After Pics I am sure the guys would like to see them if you did Cheers Tom
HI glad it worked, thats two jobs I have done myself out of this week Yours and that cat I bribed to scratch that other one Cheers Tom
Sorry mate I think a respray would be cheaper Dont think so unless you go to Bodgit and Dodgit, quality resprays on Metalics are NOT cheaper than the film (Dodgy ones are though) Cheers Tom
Hi removing the film is simplicity itself (if you know what you are doing) I have sent you a PM so give me a call, the guy you called was Auto Asylum (an independent distributor) not us. Talk to me we will get you sorted out Best Wishes Tom
If you do suffer from this then when you bring the car to us to be done we could do a panel for the roof to help prevent this. Just let us know before you arrive Cheers Tom
NO It depends on what you have done, The standard Kit bumper bonnet wing ends wing mirrors and Bumper IS £450 retail plus Vat BEFORE club Discount if done here in Grantham. The full coverage frontal kits are more but we are covering the whole of the car forward of the A Pillar You could just have the Bumper done for instance (however still leaves you with potential damage to the other areas) also as it is designed to be there for four years it will work out cheaper than having smart repairs every year (and a lot cheaper than a respray every year). Smart repairs typical costs for example usually end up about £120 in my experience for most multiple repairs and they will never look perfect and need re-done every year. Hope that helps Cheers Tom
Glad it worked out for you I can send you some offcuts to wrap the cat in if you like May de-fur the little so and so upon removel though Cheers Tom
HAHAHA I know these guys really well we supply them with pre-cut product Auto Armour I guess he has some bin end rolls he is trying to shift Cheers Tom
Absolutely bang on You know the more I think about this I should sell this Garbage on E-bay and let loads of people send me £10 from around the world and no one will mind that it is rubbish (cos its only £10) I could pack this in and retire LOL. Is E-bay the modern chain letter I wonder Cheers Tom
Maybe you just want to make loads of money* *Joke!! LOL If that was the case I would just do what one of our compeitors does and design a 350Z bumper in seven parts with 1/4 inch gaps everywhere and a Bonnet kit that doesn't cover the grooves LOL saw one at the other places nationals and laughed my socks off Cheers Tom
ROFLMAO Seen this before good luck! AFAIK from the guys in the US its not even proper Consumer PPF If it could be done that easily and could genuinely be done that cheap ask yourselves why would I bother running an install operation. There is a single word to describe this I could use if I werent in business, I am sure someone will get there eventually however. You just got to love e-bay all quality products from quality suppliers all the time LOL edited to add: Yep I was right its clear Vinyl, not PPF "The vinyl Paint Protection Kit will not be visible. It is a vinyl protective film installed within 30 minutes to an hour" If anyone wants a Vinyl kit I will cut one for you at that price NOT it will last about 20 minutes LOL Cheers Tom
Job Done Jimmy (but then you know that) Cheers Tom
HI Guys I am going not going into the technical side of the discussion as that has been well covered on this board and elswhere however there is a point on the Business side of it that I feel I can contribute to. In a strict legal sense APS may have no liability to Giles IF they CAN PROVE that the bulletin was issued prior to this catastrophe. They will not be able to rely on their published information if it was felt that the customer had no reasonable opportunity to evaluate the risks. We face similar situations with Independent installers who purchase our products lets say they screw up an install am I liable for the install, Not at all I have supplied the product to someone else and legally and morally that is an end to it. HOWEVER there are sometimes extreme cases where something has clearly gone badly wrong, where as a businessman you can CHOOSE to pick up the tab. There are those on here and in the otherplace that will confirm WE HAVE done this occassionally. I do not do this because I am a nice guy (which everyone knows that I am) I do this because: A) it makes sound business sense, and because sometimes it is just the right thing to do, and C) because it is always better to protect your brand image (as opposed to having Your Leg lifted). IMHO Were this me and were Aps my company, on this occassion I would step into the frame. I would do this for a whole raft of reasons I will not list here ( I would not want to limit Giles wiggle room). Frankly I personally feel, knowing all the facts as I do, APS should step up ,because it would be cheaper in the long run and will harm the reputation of their WHOLE distribution network (Think about this), business is about confidence and lose customer confidence, you will be down the dole faster than you can Blink. Cheers Tom
Hi Glad you are happy with our service however everyone will now say where are the pics Cheer s Tom
The two likliest contenders are the supermarket or the florists either way means they are probably local to the Tilehurst/ Oxford area shouldnt be hard to find the car if its around there! Cheers Tom
Thanks for all the kind remarks guys We really appreciate it when we see that customers are happy with what we do Cheers Tom