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Everything posted by Kev946

  1. I've heard of this before. Best to scrap the paint off the the taper seat. I had my track day wheels for the Cossie powder coated a while back and the heat from the brakes tends to stick them to the hubs after a track day. I now take a big rubber mallet with we. I really need to clean the paint off the mating surfaces but can't be bothered.
  2. So as Flavio has offered a job to Alonso anytime he wants he is basically admitting that one of his drivers is disposable. Has he finally realised that Fisichella sucks? Todt has stated he doesn't want Alonso. Flavio said that it is wrong to treat drivers equally and Alonso being World Champion should have been the No.1 driver. Alonso knew the principles the MaClaren team before he joined, but I guess Alonso didn't realise Lewis would be quicker than him. This means if you're currentlly a Renault driver you are either out or No. 2. My prediction at the moment though is Alonso will be without a drive next year, i.e. sit out his MaCalren contract, which of course could potentially ruin his career. Ron will be hard on him if he wants to leave and will Alonso be prepared to dip his hand is is pocket and pay. The longer this goes on the more the likelyhood their won't be a seat for Alonso in any F1 team.
  3. Told you so. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsp ... 022171.stm I reckon Alonso should pay $100M to exit his contract.... An article in the Metro today said that Alonso had a bust up with Ron Denis at the Hungary GP and threatened to reveal emails about the spying, which he subsequently did. Surely Ron want's rid of the little sh1t, but would prefer Alonso to beg with cash.
  4. Anyone fancy playing with them, (see below). PS: Keep anonymous at all times, e.g. use a specially setup email etc. if you do fancy replying. This eMail cam from cokertextiles@peoplepc.com
  5. Well said. Lewis is 22 BTW. Maybe Ron wants Alonso to bail out. That way he would probably have to buy his way out of the contract which would cost Alonso big time, e.g. hey presto, Ron has recouped some of the $100M. Hmm good point, bring in Jenson to replace the winey Spaniard What a team that would be. Nice thought. I'm a big Jenson fan. He's clearly been ill advised in the past which has always seem to mean he's been in the wrong team and the wrong time. I'm not sure he'd match Lewis's pace though.
  6. Well said. Lewis is 22 BTW. Maybe Ron wants Alonso to bail out. That way he would probably have to buy his way out of the contract which would cost Alonso big time, e.g. hey presto, Ron has recouped some of the $100M.
  7. yes stunning drice my Lewis. It reminded me os Schuey in the wet....class act. And yes he's certainly standing up for himself. Since Alonso won't speak to anyone you can't blame him. Seems like Lewis has tried but now given up on the moody Spaniard... Anyway Alonso crashed......
  8. Kev946

    Sad day :O(

    Agreed, stick around they are a nice bunch here..
  9. Personally I don't think it's very polite calling people behind their back. Some would say "cowardly". This could also be considered a "personality disorder", and it's certainnly not a quality I would expect in a Gentleman. Most of you don't know the full story so suggest you stop speculating, and someone lock this thread. We can all then go back to the purpose of this forum, i.e. Cars.. Interestinng to note it was an Ex OC member who started this thread in the first place....
  10. I've never fell out with him. I even helped him install springs and shocks..
  11. Kev946

    2007 M3

    Hope he likes it. He certainly would have got a better deal on a 650i even though the start price is higher..
  12. Interesting review of the transcript released following the hearing. See http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsp ... 006365.stm A few intersting quotes: -
  13. Nice car mate... I'd take any reference to Vauxhall off. Holden badges would look
  14. No need to get too technical. Simply pu cold air is more dense which = more oxygen. Fuel needs oxygen to burn. This is why turbo cars have enormous intercoolers often bigger than the radiator.
  15. I know that. I do live in the UK. I was referring to a member of this forum. lol, oh rite! I'm sure you've figured out who he is referring to then. I'm up to date now thanks..
  16. I know that. I do live in the UK. I was referring to a member of this forum.
  17. Drive one you may change your views. Very rewarding and the quickest thing from A to B on UK roads. Well at that price anyway. Just have a look at the Stig Lap Times. Everyone knows they are unbeatable on the roads , unfortunately they have come down to such a price level that the main customers for them seem to live on council sink estates.. call me a snob by all means but the image they have is untenable , unless I start dressing in a nylon shell suit that is Not as bad as your average Cossie owner... On and you are a snob.....
  18. Drive one you may change your views. Very rewarding and the quickest thing from A to B on UK roads. Well at that price anyway. Just have a look at the Stig Lap Times.
  19. I agree, that's why I sold mine. Still cracking cars though.
  20. Just got this email. Good for any track day virgins as this is an airfield I believe..
  21. I reckon if they had have timed the 2 seprately the bike would have been miles quicker. Cars are soooo wide and difficult to get past. Good stuff though...
  22. This one I had to share with you all. This is from the Metro today: - Is he mad or just plain stupid? Either way he’s very funny and clearly thinks we are all stupid.. I can’t remember seeing different classes of eggs last time I went to Morrisons, (Sunday), but then again with his money I don’t suppose he ever goes....
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