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Everything posted by Kev946

  1. Could Alonso be sidelined... http://en.f1-live.com/f1/en/headlines/n ... 2738.shtml
  2. I was considering till i saw the price. I'm thinking of goinin to the Rally GB to see the super special stage at the Millenium stadium. Only cost from £15 http://www.walesrallygb.com/141_183.php
  3. Some call it Spam or some Ego massaging.... Spam implies all kinds of off topic stuff, and no one has an issue with that...
  4. hope not Why not, he does have a Lambo doesn't he, or this all a act....
  5. Young wipper snapper.....40. You're still riding a bike though Stuey?
  6. are you on the booze already ?? Second glass of red. Just looks odd to me.
  7. Tim, Why do the 2 small cars in the background look like they have been added in photoshop?
  8. Great fun cars and a bargain in the UK compared to Defenders... Looks like a really weel looked after one too.
  9. you need one of these Nice. Is that yours Tim?
  10. Snowing here too, and I was planning on taking the bike tomorrow..
  11. Start with a light car in the first place...... Seriously though, although you can make reasonable savings by removing trim etc. , percentage wise the saving won't be significant, so you are unlikely to notice the difference on the road. I'm buying a racing battery for the Exige which will save me 5kg. Doesn't sound much but compared to the weight of the car it's worth it. It's also a third of the size and as the battery is in the boot it will make more space. I might be able to get my laptop in then... I'm also fitting harnesses and removing the seat belt, so hoping this will save a couple of kg's
  12. She's not seen it yet. She was at work when I went to see it. She asked me when I got back if I drove well, and I said "Not really".... Mind you I'd just come back via the Cat and Fiddle run in the Exige...
  13. Sold the X1/9 today to a guy who read the Pistonheads advert. Paid me £1300 cash and took the car. 3 years of the cheapest fun I've every had gone.. Good news is I've bought an MGF. It's a 2000 1.8 W reg with 26k genuine miles. Got it for £2,700....
  14. What a surprise http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport1/hi/motorsp ... 099263.stm
  15. Good luck with it, Kev. Thanks mate. Going to look at a red 2000 W reg tomorrow with 26k miles..
  16. Kev946


    I've been using a pressure washer for years. I always blast the dirt off first before washing with a flash washer thingy with a sheepskin mit. By blasting first you get the large bits of grit off the car, which measn when you do wash it down you don't rub these in and scratch the car. In all the years I've used on I've never had a problem. You have to be careful if you have stickers and stripes as it can blow these off but I've never done any harm. Great for alloy wheels too.. Personally I couldn't do without one, having an household of women with cars, (daughter and wife that is)...
  17. 58 people watching, but no more bids. I have had a firm offer too more then the current bid...
  18. That is a very good point. I think we all to a certain extent consider a car to represent the type of person the owner is, e.g. An Aston the James Bond swarve sophisticated type, a F430 or G for that matter the rich bling chav.....
  19. That's just your oppinion. Everyone buys for different reasons. Some would buy on badge alone, e.g. Would as many people buy the G if it had a Skoda badge on it? It is Audi based when all said and done.....
  20. Many poeple on here chose cars on looks so don't expect a balanced view. No offence intended.
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