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Everything posted by Kev946

  1. Your score is: 15 out of 20 If your score is higher than 10.21, you are smarter than the average participant! 7662 participants have answered the quiz so far. Your Clarkson IQ is 125 The average Clarkson IQ is 101.0
  2. http://quiz.uk.msn.com/quiz/quiz.aspx?i ... 602fa3ddcb
  3. Crap TV - No decent programs and no choice Crap Cars - slow, crap brakes, always braking down and rust No Internet, PC's etc. No gadgets...microwave, iPods etc. etc. Being bored Thank god for progress.....
  4. and what in the name of god is a FEZZA? Fiesta Is that to make it sound less painful when admitting you own one, that they disguise the real name? It like those guys on the Belgian Nissan forum that talk about their Nissan N15 and N16, because I guess it sounds cooler than having to admit driving a Nissan Almera Ford or Nissan both embarassing aren't they.....
  5. and what in the name of god is a FEZZA? Fiesta From the same manufacturer as Grandads...the daddy of the Dagenham Dustbins.....
  6. My Son-in-law has just had twin white stripes fitted to his Fezza ST 2.0, (red). Only cost him £60 and they've done a great job. Looks
  7. Our Range Rover averages 17-18 mpg around town and it a deisel...
  8. nice 4X4 ps.. Just done a quick calculation, I have 16.8 litres on the plot at pres You are unenvironmentally firnedly... Forgot my bike....1257 bhp 11.2 litres...
  9. Nice motor. The V8's a peach too.. A friend has the 3.0d and loves it. Intersting stats BTW. We have 1145 bhp and 10.2 litres...
  10. Kev946


    Pistonheads article on the same http://www.pistonheads.com/news/default ... ryId=17369
  11. Smaller wheels means lighter. It's worth the extra tyre wall flex, (minmal), for the weight saving. Also if you go slicks there is only limited sizes available and 17's are much easier to get hold of.
  12. You could consider 17's and go slicks. That's what I run on the Cossie. I buy secondhand slicks from a motorsport supplier. Much cheaper than even cheap tyres and the grip is in a different league.
  13. Kev946

    Top Speeds

    I'd say the reverse actually. Don't forget these are peak figures. The McLaren does this kind of speed with an enormous engine so the power and torque curve will be much flatter than Rod's 2 litre 4 pot Cossie engine. Not to mention cost... You forgot to mention it has a massive turbo which the Mclaren doesnt have! I dont think money comes into it. You could then go on about the 1400bhp Viper, Saleens and 1000bhp Bugatti and that there not as impressive as they have bigger engines and cost more.. Im not taking anything away from Rod. To get that kind of speed in any car takes some doing! No probs. Just referring to the power/torque curve. Everyone quotes peaks. It's the area under the curve that really matters. Rod's achievment is amzing considering a 20 year old car and only a tiny engine.
  14. Kev946

    Top Speeds

    I'd say the reverse actually. Don't forget these are peak figures. The McLaren does this kind of speed with an enormous engine so the power and torque curve will be much flatter than Rod's 2 litre 4 pot Cossie engine. Not to mention cost...
  15. Kev946

    Top Speeds

    Thanks Rod. Impressive stuff. Your a legend..
  16. If that's your budget and you are looking for more performance and better build quality than a Zed, for me I'd go M3. You could even get a cabrio for that money.. http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/308837.htm http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/291723.htm http://www.pistonheads.com/sales/305134.htm
  17. Sounds like you shouldn't be buying a 350z to me. It's more of a GT cruising machine. It's a heavy car so this has a big impact. It eats up the miles well and resonably quick, but no comparison to some of your previous cars. I used to have an Impreza and it only had 235 bhp but felt miles quicker then the Zed. Then again it was over 300 kg's lighter so not surprising I guess. Depends on what you are looking for I guess...
  18. Me too. Tragic. That's were we got my oldest daughters name from...Kirsty that is..
  19. Lotus speak for rear end. There's a front clam as well.
  20. The main sound meter is next to the bridge advertisement on the main straight. It sits on the wall between the main straight and pit lane so it's on your passenger side. It's just a case of lifting off or changing up early. It does mean cars can get past you though when you do which is most annoying. If they do black flag you, they normally just warn you first. I got black flagged 3 times once and I still managed to wangle going out again each time.
  21. Kev946

    R1 Turbo

    Yea as you say I love the handling of the 996 but the power and gearing of the V twin is a pain especially comuting. I reckon I'll aim for a K2/3 750. Just waiting until the worse of the weather goes by then I can try and sell the 996. Should get my money back from what I paid and so far it's only cost me a front tyre.
  22. Kev946

    R1 Turbo

    Crazy, and it was rainning at one stage...
  23. Kev946

    R1 Turbo

    No missed that. I used to really badly want a Mk2 RS1800 bda. Loved the 2 tone blue Mk1 RS2000's. There's a few Mk2's now running 600 bhp Cossie engines. Weigh something like 900 kg.... PS: Looking to change the Duke for a GSXR 750 in a couple of months. Which one should I go for. Reckon the budget will get me a K2 ish?
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