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Everything posted by Derek_ZR

  1. Not sure what is sad about having a personalised plate ? As for age of car - many people have a plate that makes the car look even older so don't think that's a valid arguement.
  2. Thats very true. Even a guy I know has copied me. He had an Audi TT and only does about 5k miles pa but even he has bought a van to use for to and from work since he got a new model TT in November.
  3. Running two cars can be expensive depending on what you have. If I only did 10k miles pa then I would only have 1 car but I do nearer 20k so I use two cars. Cost for the 2nd car is £300 insurance and £100 road tax and depreciation. But then you also gain from less depreciation on the 350Z. Also when I do a 45 miles drive to/from work, it costs just over £8 in petrol in the 350Z, do it in the 2nd car and it only costs approx £3.60 so you save there.
  4. I have been typing at www.peugeot206cc.co.uk - no idea where you have been
  5. Every venue is far away from you Meaning too far into England Pity no one planned the meet earlier and made it February as I'm heading down to the Lake District in February for a few days with Z This meet is gonna be in the midlands, about 200 miles from the lakes It's ok, I know where the midlands are
  6. It adds a bit of colour I will get the same plates with badge and web address made up next week for the X11 DDS plate I just bought today.
  7. On the subject of the police.... not long before I sold the plate (P20G CC), I got pulled by the local traffic/vosa checks for the plate. Didn't get a fine but got a notice to get the plates fixed. Got new ones made up for that and at the same time got even better ones made up that were mis-placed but on shorter plates as they suited the car better. Put them on after getting home from getting the notice stamped at the MOT station
  8. Went ahead and bought the plate today. I put money away every month towards insurance as well as other things and as the 350ZR insurance has gone down and the change from an MG ZR to a Clio for 2nd car has also brought savings so it is this money that paid for the plate Paperwork should arrive within 10 working days so it will be on car well in time for going down to the Lakes in February DVLA office is also very close to work so won't have a problem getting the paperwork completed. Will try and get new plates made up next week sometime. Just hoping that his computer allowes him to change the spacing for the 11 to put them a bit closer together than normal
  9. Every venue is far away from you Meaning too far into England Pity no one planned the meet earlier and made it February as I'm heading down to the Lake District in February for a few days with Z
  10. Totally agree. I had the plate below on a 206CC. It looked great on the car but either had to be sold with the car or sold on it's own. Luckily it was sold on it's own just before the car went for a tidy profit
  11. £499 which is standard to the X plates. I'm surprised 11 isn't more expensive.
  12. I had the chance of X1 DDS a few years ago from a guy who was selling it but he wouldn't go any lower than the £999 that he paid for it. I didn't bother as I had P20G CC (mis-placed) on my 206CC at the time but now I wish I had
  13. 11 is the lowest number still available. I was pretty surprised that it was still there taking into account how long since he plate was released for sale.
  14. I know this isn't directly Z related but it's to put on my Z so please don't move so I can get some feedback mods I have been considering a private plate for a few months to put on the 350Zr. Best one I have found is below: I used to have K16 DDS which I got shot off a few years back and haven't had one since. X is my prefered prefix letter as it doesn't mean anything and is old enough for people not to think the car is an X plate although from experience of plates I know that some will DDS are my initials but i'm undecided on numbers. This plate has 11 which I think makes the plate look less cluttered and tidier..... There is also 16 available which I had on my plate before but not sure if it looks as good..... I have put off buying as money situation isn't great due to increases in mortagage and a 2 year pay freeze at work but I could find the money to pay for it if I got it. Let me know what you think. All opinions appreciated
  15. I got these plates made up prior to going on holiday in summer. Can't remember what they cost but it would have been £20 or so.....
  16. I thought the same Derek, asked if I could buy one as I never thought I'd make 350 posts ever I think you have just made it and no more
  17. Think I have a bit to go yet - web addy is on number plates so that will do for now
  18. Not 100%, but if dates fit in and venue isn't too far away then there is a chance I would attend.
  19. I'd like to get a runaround because I'm piling on the mileage on the zed, but I know I'd be driving the other car, hating it, wishing I was driving the zed. You would be surprised. I used to have an MG ZR which was basically a heap of junk even although it was a 54 plate. I changed it in June for a new Clio Campus Sport 1.2. I love driving the Z, but because the Clio is such a good car to drive I am more than happy to drive it and it also makes the times when you do drive the Z more enjoyable and you appreciate it more. When I was in the MG, I hared every minute of it. Until this week as I have been on holiday, I hadn't driven the Z much in the past 5 weeks, used less than a tank of petrol.
  20. Done 12,650 in 20 months. I drive up to 20k miles a year but want to keep the Z for the long term so use a 2nd car and use the Z for pleasure driving. 1900 of the miles were for my summer holiday so I am doing really well. My original target was no more than 9k p.a. so I'm pretty happy. Also since I put what I used to save into a bigger house as an investment last August, I no longer have the money to replace the Z so I want to keep it for a long time so wll need to control the mileage.
  21. My £30 vouchers arrived on Saturday - free money
  22. The plate I am considering buying from the DVLA is £499. Looked on newreg.com as they have all the DVLA plates too and the mark up takes the price to £660.
  23. The plate is on an Audi A4 convertible. I think I'm going to go with the other plate I have found - pretty similar but cheaper. Will decide in the morning once I wake up
  24. Heard about this at work, it was in the papers. Wonder if they go Meowoof Woman: My cat gave birth to puppies A Brazilian woman claims that her cat has given birth to three puppies after mating with the dog next door. The Daily Mail reported that Cassia Aparecida de Souza, an 18-year-old student, said that her cat Mimi had given birth to a litter of six. Three looked like kittens but they all died, leaving three which resembled dogs, she told the Mail. Scientists had taken blood samples to determine to see if the remaining trio really were half cat and half dog. However, experts told the Mail that they were very sceptical. "You could never say never in science, but it seems very implausible to me," Professor Robin Dundar, an expert in evolution from Liverpool University said. He believed there were two potential explanations: Mimi had suckled the pups after she had lost her own litter and the pups had been orphaned or the offspring were mutant cats that just resembled dogs.
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