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JDM Performance

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Everything posted by JDM Performance

  1. 1. Jim *paid* 2. Jim *paid* 3. Michael Bluff 4. Michael Bluff 5. kevgreen16 6. kevgreen16 7. Harewood 8. Harewood 9. Hanel 10.Hanel
  2. Woo hoo! Right guys we can get going with this. We have them all in stock so to make a payment you can either use Paypal or make a bank transfer. The price is £29 each. Postage is £2 within the UK. To pay by Paypal send your payment to sales@funkystyling.co.uk including your delivery address with the payment. To pay by bank transfer, please email us for further details: sales@funkystyling.co.uk (dont PM!) Once we get a payment we'll send the badges out the same or next working day by first class post. Cheers guys Chris
  3. Decided to just go to AC anyway on account of it being nearer. I had a "waiting appointment" but when I arrived they were insisting I leave the car with them. I protested and eventually they admitted the appointment was a "waiting" type on the computer, but not on the job sheet. So they 'allowed' me to wait - without even an appology! Already I am reminded why I hate main dealers. Anyway, they diagnosed the car and it turned out to be... *drum roll* o2 Sensor error. So they tested it (working) and reset my car and that was that. I asked to speak with the mechanic about it but all I got was chinese whispers relayed to me by a secretary who asked me "have I fitted an injector to the car?". Emm... no... so she went away and came back and said it was because "You have an induction kit fitted or something and its sucking in air which might have caused the problem". I considered going into an explenation about how an o2 sensor is in the exhaust and an intake kit is not part of an exhaust... but then I realised by the blank look that I'd be better off paying and leaving. So, least she runs again... and I almost got all the way home before the amp fuse blew and one of my neon lights fell off. Ahhhh, something more for me to tinker with in the garage tonight! Thanks for the advice guys Cheers Chris
  4. We hired a Z convertable in Monaco last year. I think the Co was Avis (or might have been Axa). They had a prestige range in which the Z was one. They might have ones in Japan too... HTH Chris
  5. Tried that. Even tried one of those OBD readers but it wont communicate with the ECU for some reason. I've given up trying to figure it out
  6. Ahh that's a shame, Livi is the closest one to me. I'll limp my car to Loanhead then. Thanks for the recommendation.
  7. Has anyone got any recommendations of a decent Dealer in or around Edinburgh? Pref one with good service dept.. Chees Chris
  8. ..better mention too that I also plugged in a Greddy Informeter and strangely enough it said I didnt have an error code (?????) but kept giving me warnings on voltage, saying it was at 14.5V but when I checked with a voltmeter it said 12V... wtf is going on? I feel like taking it to Nissan but does anyone know if their diagnostic equipment works fine on JDM models?
  9. Grrrr... I've now got one of those eBay ODB checkers (finally! took 3 weeks to arrive...) and plugged it in with high hopes. Just my luck "Error" appeared - which apparently means its not communicating with my ECU. So I'm non the wiser as to what's wrong. I have decided to just disconnect the battery for a while and see if that clears it in the hope it might just have been a gremlin but does anyone else have an suggestions?
  10. Seeing all 3, they all look a bit odd, and together they're the most motly assortment of miss-matched guys I've ever seen!
  11. Pair of chrome indicator rings for Nissan 350z. Fit around your side repeaters to enhance your car. Self adhesive backing means you can fit them in seconds. Now available and in stock. Get em while they're hot! http://www.funkystyling.co.uk/item_deta ... =449002948
  12. Hi guys Finally managed to get a write up and some pics of Monday nights events at Knockhill with the Top gear team. Please take a look here: http://www.funkystyling.co.uk/topgear.php Cheers Chris
  13. OK, bought it Now, if it comes up with "error code 1" I'll cry lol
  14. Well my Blitz is meant to read out ODBII error codes, but "1" doesnt seem to correspond with any error code for the 350?? odd Thats the problem, I'm not managing to get it to flash... Is this the one? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/U380-OBD-2-EOBD-C ... dZViewItem I'll just buy one if it is.... Cheers Chris
  15. Tisk! Yes I did win with the 17s on - after all, they are in perfect condition :-P
  16. Hi guys Just back after driving home tonight after winning 2nd place in a show n shine competition at Knockhill - got my trophey presented by James May no less.... anyway, coming home the engine check light comes on... I've got a Blitz R-Vit in my car and it shows error code "1". I've checked this thread (http://www.my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=151170) and tried to get the check light to flash in the same way but it doesnt play ball. The error code "1" on the Blitz doesnt seem to correspond with anything on this thread either. Can anyone help? Cheers in advance Chris
  17. Wow that's fantastic looking. Really love that back end!
  18. Gawd that's a bit picky - bad luck mate. By comparison I got caught doing around 85 in a 30 in my FTO... and got off with just a stiff talking-to! I couldnt believe my luck but I guess it was because I was loosing the police car and just decided to stop and wait for them to catch up.... then i noticed they had no speed recording equipment in their diesel Astra - sweeeet. ...I drive more sensibly in the Z.
  19. ...just buy one of our Injen Hydro-Shields - you'll have no problems :-D
  20. I have a Blitz R-VIT which I sometimes connect to the car to read out any engine error codes. Very handy for fault diagnosis
  21. Minel - is anyone selling Kinetix in the UK yet?
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