Decided to just go to AC anyway on account of it being nearer. I had a "waiting appointment" but when I arrived they were insisting I leave the car with them. I protested and eventually they admitted the appointment was a "waiting" type on the computer, but not on the job sheet. So they 'allowed' me to wait - without even an appology!
Already I am reminded why I hate main dealers.
Anyway, they diagnosed the car and it turned out to be... *drum roll* o2 Sensor error. So they tested it (working) and reset my car and that was that.
I asked to speak with the mechanic about it but all I got was chinese whispers relayed to me by a secretary who asked me "have I fitted an injector to the car?". Emm... no... so she went away and came back and said it was because "You have an induction kit fitted or something and its sucking in air which might have caused the problem". I considered going into an explenation about how an o2 sensor is in the exhaust and an intake kit is not part of an exhaust... but then I realised by the blank look that I'd be better off paying and leaving.
So, least she runs again... and I almost got all the way home before the amp fuse blew and one of my neon lights fell off. Ahhhh, something more for me to tinker with in the garage tonight!
Thanks for the advice guys