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Everything posted by Traktion

  1. Yeah, still under warranty. Will that be a new one from Germany or a refurbished one? A few weeks with no ICE sounds pretty annoying!
  2. After reading about it happening on numerous other zeds, my left channel has stopped working when I'm playing CDs. The radio works fine, but the CD started to cut out on Sunday and by Monday I didn't get a peep out of the left CD channel (unless you count a horrible, quiet, distorted sound if you wack the volume right up) on a decent 50 mile run. It looks like I'm going to have to do battle with Nissan on this one and try to get a new one fitted (an MP3 one would be nice - don't fancy my chances though! ). Any advice on how to tackle them with this one?
  3. 27 here... I couldn't afford to drive while at university, so waited until after and then had to build up some no claims before getting a "proper" car
  4. I'm with the mods on this one... I'd like to think that a person has at least a reputation to protect when they're known and are selling something here; it's a community, not a sales forum.
  5. Creaks and squeeks (passenger side of dash and strut brace is at it now!) CD skips before car warms up on cold days The glove box doesn't bother me... I don't usually ferret around in it when I'm supposed to be driving! TBH, mine is currently empty as I use the other cubbies for my cd cases (they don't slide about much and I like to keep them near the CDs). Anything else I stick in the seat nets or don't leave in the car. Light squirter doesn't bother me either; I'm not one to spend hours polishing my car anyway! It's more fun driving it! They are only small things though and after about 7 months ownership, I can say I'm very happy with this car!
  6. BTW, does anyone have a similar link/diagram for rattles in the left of the centre console too? I used one of the existing ones to dissmantle the centre console in search of a squeek, but found it was to the left of it! I have a squeek just to the left of the air vent to the left of the centre console it seems! Why can't they just wrap tape around everything when they're putting these things together?!
  7. No problem! Many thanks to both of those links/images! Looks like I have a mini project to do!
  8. Mr Minel, do you have one of those nice howtos for this? It'd save me taking it down the garage and I can get a new pet at the same time too!
  9. Has anyone else had this? It sounds like I have a family of mice in the back of my car atm! I'll add it to the list of things to sort out when I get it serviced I guess...
  10. I live in Southampton, so I'd rather like to come and see you. I'm sure the gf would like the idea too!
  11. mmm yellow gt4... if only I had a few grand lining my pocket and a buyer for mine! hehe! I wanted one of those originally, but the time I got my finger out, they'd sold out of yellow ones (or so I was told!)
  12. Great post! I think this is a great site and long may it exist
  13. btw, I saw a gorgeous yellow GT4 for sale near Southampton where I live. It looked great, but was 28k from an independant garage If I had a few quid spare...
  14. It is a pretty cack mag tbh and I only subscribed as I got a bunch of free copies along with my Evo subscription. Still, 5/5 ain't bad! I'd like to have a look at the new interior stuff at some point. The squeeks and ticks do annoy me a bit on mine and it'd be nice if the changes improved things. When I get it serviced next I'll get them to have a look though!
  15. I feel your pain Mr Minel and I'd be signing up for the chip too if I had any mods. Come on you modders, help get this chip over here! P.S. Sorry for thread hijacking!
  16. Rubbish is good... my dad always told me there was rubbish on TV when the A-Team was on. The A-Team is great, therefore rubbish rules QED etc
  17. Traktion


    I think I did pretty well this year and found something interesting, so I thought I'd post it here! I am 27, 3 years no claims + girl friend who is 27 with 9+ no claims. I am the owner/main driver and got a quote of £625 through Admiral. Considering Churchill cost me about £600 for 6 months (the remainder of my last policy), I was pleasently shocked by this! Also, I had *two* prices from Admiral - one direct through their site, which was £690 odd. The other was clicking through from Confused.com at £625. I double checked everything and at first I thought it was the milage (they'd missed off my business milage), but it was still loads cheaper afterwards too! I did notice it was a different page on the Admiral site when going via confused, so I can only assume there is some sort of discount. So, if you're renewing and confused has them on their list, I recommend you give them a try first!
  18. That's pretty tragic. I hope the links stay here!
  19. It goes under the lip of the front spoiler to stop you scratching/breaking your spoiler when you scuff the front (big speed bumps etc).
  20. Sorry for sounding dumb, but how much do you need for a "normal" oil change? I usually just leave it to the garage!
  21. LOL! That can't be for real?! Surely it'd just wash down the plug anyway?!
  22. I'd think the build quality in the Honda would be better... my previous 8 year old Honda Civic had less squeeks/rattles than my 350z does (I have a list for the next service!). For running costs, I should think that little 2 litre engine is pretty frugal when it comes to petrol too (when you're about town, not ragging it etc). Tbh though, I didn't buy the Z for either of the above reasons... Reliability, performance, uniqueness, lots of torque and a car I could live with every day won me around. It look great too!
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