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Everything posted by Traktion

  1. Southampton here BUT, I'm from Leicester
  2. I don't know much about engine internals modding, but I assume that this means you can push the engine harder (more torque/bhp) without it going pop? How much would it cost to get the upgrades fitted and what sort of figures could they take? Questions, questions!
  3. Yeah, I saw the roadster too!
  4. There was me thinking he was blowing us all kisses!
  5. Traktion

    2006 RAYS

    They'll be the same as the 53 onwards Rays, but I guess 06 are newer? I think that's what Leeroy was pointing out anyway.
  6. I agree... I did do some (pretty unscientific) testing with standard 95 vs Tesco 99 when I was doing a fair bit of town driving a while back. I ended up getting 19.5 with 95 RON and about 21 with 99 RON. So, that's about 7-8% better and that probably matches the cost difference (may even save some). Sure, it may not be the case all the time, but then you're being better to the engine, getting more power when you need it and not spending any more, it's pretty cool. If you believe the marketting hype, you're saving the planet using Tesco 99 too! I think you'd be better off with a Prius for the latter though!
  7. You probably lose some mpg too though... I know mine runs further and faster with super in the tank.
  8. Just got a 35 mpg running from Leicester to Southampton (including the A43 full of round abouts!). I decided I wasn't in a hurry and there were too many flat cap, Sunday drivers about anyway, so set the cruise control to 73 to see what I got. I was running on 97 RON BP Ultimate (£1.04!?! I needed an urgent fill - a bit dear up north!). I usually use Tesco 99 though and I think I get 2 mpg more out of that. On a side note, I was *still* over taking people at that speed - why do some people insist on doing under 60 on a dual carriage way?! IMO, it's just as dangerous as someone speeding and there is no need... *end rant lol* On another note, on the way up there I went for the other extreme and went for a speed record. An average speed on 77 mph and lots of clear roads (90 ish mostly; I try not to be too silly) and still got 25 mpg. About 1 hour 50 mins for 140 odd miles btw hehe! Though that may be interesting to some anyway
  9. Sorry for a slight thread hijack, but I was thinking about fuel prices the other day. As we all know, duty per litre stays the same regardless of the price of fuel unless the chancellor changes it BUT the money they make on VAT on the fuel DOES go up with the price of fuel. It makes me mad to think that the government gets almost an extra 2p for every 10p hike there is in fuel prices; as if duty wasn't enough to start with!! Ok, end of hijack... carry on!
  10. Well, my left channel completely packed on during CD play a week or so ago and hasn't worked since. Skipping when cold is also there, so I'd be interested in hearing how you get along. I've gathered some "evidence" about the problem too, but when I get time to visit the garage, I want as much as possible ready to hit them with when I arrive.
  11. Traktion


    Yeah, mine does this shifting to second when cold, but I have to say it's hardly noticable now the weather has warmed up, even if I've not driven it for a day or two. I guess it depends how notchy it is to whether they'll do anything about it, but imo, it's nothing to worry about.
  12. Traktion

    Evo X

    I like it more than the old one... it doesn't look uber cool though.
  13. Putting a hole through the bottom and running flintstone stylee?
  14. That was the year I was born! Nice to see some zed heritage!
  15. I dunno what everyone is trying to sell their cars at, but aren't they supposed to be worth about 55-60% of the original price after 3 years (without extras)? So, 53 Zed should be worth 17-19k I'd have thought. I dunno what people are expecting to make back, but 60% is considered very good! I think the best way to lose the least is to buy one a year or two old (when the biggest chunk has been lost) or just don't sell it until you've had it a few years. Buying one new and selling it a year or so later must sting the pocket!
  16. That's why I waited a few years (and cos I didn't want my inexperience to crash it!), but if you have the cash to splash, why not I suppose!
  17. Thanks for the email! Looks like great ammunition for getting a new one. I've always been happy with the sound quality, just not so happy with the skips and even less happy with my left channel not working for CDs
  18. Ah, great! Forwarding it to my email provided here should reach me just fine. Many thinks!
  19. Chesterfield - that would be great if you could find it! My car is a 53 model and it skipped during the colder winter months until the car was properly warmed up, but it's only just started having the left channel issues. As my warranty will be expiring at the end of the summer (I may extend it though), I don't want to have a refurb unit which then fails some time after my warranty expires! I'll see how they react to me insisting on a new one.
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