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Everything posted by StephenG

  1. I'm not knocking the Nismo by the way, before I put the SC on it was superb, loved it. But the combination of the two made the cabin unbearable, much happier with the Invida true dual.* * which now means I have no Nismo parts on my car... until I install the 'sport horns'!!!
  2. No, you'll be fine. Dorian -> results were OK at first, then hiked a lot with the SSV. When I got it tuned, we 'fatted out' the torque at mid-levels revs at the expense of the top end, giving me a bit more grunt earlier on. Worth it, but still not exactly what I wanted.
  3. I was pretty surprised by the results... ... you monkey fluffer
  4. I am now trying to find my original sig file to change it to 'horse w*nk on toast'
  5. I'm going to try it in real life. There's a group of builders working on next-door's house. I'm going to call them a load of tax-dodging ugly tw*ts and then wink and smile. I should be fine.
  6. Yep, they did both of ours. I'd highly recommend them, but if you phone them now expect to be taking the car there about February. Captint - you have to remember that Bap has done pretty much everything FI on his car, and he's gone to the absolute extreme. My list of 'must do's on the Vortech kit is much more basic, especially if you aren't going to be driving everywhere with WOT (I don't) Larger oil pan (I have the JWT spacer) Colder plugs Uprated fuel hoses (an absolute must - safety issue) With these optional bits: Some sort of AFM with wideband gauge (optional) Clutch (if you're thinking of doing balls-out standing starts) Uprated fuel pump (between 5000 and 6000 rpm suffers without it) Dual exhaust and better plenum (the weak links in the breathing of the engine. This will release the remaining horses) And that will do you for simple stuff. Other than that I'd go for an aftermarket ECU if you want to tweak stuff yourself, but the list above is a good starting point. You can PM me if you have any questions.
  7. Certainly worked for me. Big hike in peak power and torque before I had it all tuned: http://my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=160723
  8. Cool! So... STFU you sh!t-stabbing environmental rapist Like that?
  9. This Supra will use the V6-Hybrid link up of the Lexus GS450h (my wife's car) which is hugely powerful and smooth (335bhp; a 270PS petrol engine alongside a 180PS electric one). I imagine they'll tune that to get another 50 or so horses out of it. This is rear wheel drive and will be around the £50K mark. The Lexus, the LFA-1, will be a V8 or a V10 and will be around the £80K mark, and also be hybrid, and possibly 4WD. And if you think that Supra looks a bit ugly... However, while the Lexus will definitely happen, the Supra is being used purely as a teaser to see if potential customers are interested enough to generate a market for it. We're a long, long, way off production yet.
  10. The Bose lasted all of 6 days in my Z. It's in a box on my shelf. Welcome the world of Z. How much will you be driving with the top down even though it's f***ing freezing at the moment?!?!
  11. Fair point. Have edited the post where I say you were acting cockishly to include a winking smilie. Stephen <--- almost forgot
  12. No problem. Did you write that while driving as well?
  13. it's not as if you have to give me permission or agree with me if I decide the thread is in the wrong place.... I was just acknowledging that I should have put it in the videos forum. Your 'being a ****' needle is bouncing off the limiter today, isn't it?
  14. And is the Invidia system more quiet? Yes, very much so. Less 'gravelly' and 'rumbly' and more metallic sounding. It's hard to describe. Listen to the video Giles shot (the dyno one) and that's how loud it was with the Nismo.
  15. Yes, it was far too loud in the cabin - so I swapped it for the Invidia true dual, which is a better performance choice when you have forced induction. Nismo exhaust + Supercharger isn't the best choice, far too loud by my reckoning, and a little constricted for the exhaust gases.
  16. Very well built car, the Gen 7. Rock solid bit of kit. I'll post this on Celica-Club!
  17. Not all of the videos are of the supercharger. 'Supercharged 350Z' is just used to describe my car. Didn't realise there was a videos forum though, so OK.
  18. I uploaded some to Google, here we go... My Engine Bay - http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-186382571651697824 Pre-tuning dyno, Dec 2005 - http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-7284877605314168830 Same dyno, recorded on my mobile, including final figure (382bhp) - http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-7573679962659772965 The noise in the cabin, accelerating in gear - http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?docid=-5662634452282905224
  19. People never add the weight of the FI kit either Anyway - for the power you want at the budget you have, Vortech SC is the way to go Here's mine on idle... http://video.google.co.uk/videoplay?doc ... 1651697824
  20. That's what I've got - strut bar and sills. Modification wise, it was a bit like the rear lights. Everyone turned their nose up at them when I bought them... ...but now, people want to know where to get them
  21. Yep yep yep www.celica7.com - here's my old baby
  22. Nissan Speculators? That would be a first! It WILL sell out, but with it being a Jap car, people won't pay over list for it - a parallel far east import will always be the same price or marginally cheaper.
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