sorry, I'm probably being thick but I can't make out from there where the lifter is mounted. Could you take a daytime pic if possible? Thanks for everything you wrote so far
For the price difference, I don't care - I want the best possible people working on the car. I have a dealership 8 miles from me but I went to one 28 miles away because they had the better mechanics. A rubbish service will do the car more harm than good - found that to my cost in the past.
I was always of the opinion that the 'tuner kit' was effectively the same kit minus the electronics and intelligence as some installers may prefer to use kit they are knowledgable with?
Hmm - if it were that easy. I put a Sunday aside a few weeks ago to just dremmel out a hole, but as far as I could see from looking side on when opening/closing the bonnet the movement of the strut requires a whole channel cut in it.
Spill - what did you have to cut? Can you take a picture and post it up?
I think so, they were closed for almost 5 months I think.
The original founders have set up a new company -
Their tag of 'home of the boy racer' won't cut a huge amount of mustard over here though...
Here we go.
The plastic panel cannot go back without being cut. However, Abbey may have fitted it incorrectly. Where do you think the hood lifter should go?
They have, over 2 years ago.
It's not the best kit but it's not the worst... but then I had a Wings West kit on my Celica and it was superb, very understated and great quality.
On a slightly different topic, did you see the thread on about the guy with the vortech getting sensor error codes?
Replaced all his sensors, checked for shorted wiring... turns out the SS box died due - funnily enough - to water ingress.