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Everything posted by StephenG

  1. I modified my drive too In fact, I got the council to modify the street outside as well - no word of a lie!
  2. If you went down the M23/A23 into Brighton, you only had to look right a mile down the road and you would have seen mine on my driveway
  3. Well, with a week to go until my tuning day, it's possible that final space (or 2) will be available after I get the tune. So on the 24th I can give you a yay or nay. But don't hold the space for me (which you won't)
  4. I think that's fair. Quite intimidating bloke to meet though - easier to argue with him on a forum
  5. If it's DAMD, as per the graphics, then the UK importer is Whifbitz (www.whifbitz.co.uk) Val - good company to contact - they can offer club discounts (well they did with celica-club anyway)
  6. He doesn't, does he? For 6 months now this guy has made zero pounds from this. Why does he bother?
  7. I have Skype, but don't want to publicise the ability to ring me unsolicited. If people would like to Skype me, please PM me first - cheers
  8. tried a few times between midday and 2pm, with no joy. Anyone else get this problem?
  9. I don't think they're nowhere near stylish enough to be called gay Lots of men wear mascara too... sort of in the goth style! But I think the 350Z already has great headlights, I can't see the point in interrupting the flowing lines...
  10. ten days time. I'm taking the day off to babysit it - I can take a few pics and write a couple of pages for JTuner on 'diary of a tune', or something snappier. Feb 23rd. And yes I'm taking my laptop too! If it all goes belly up, I'll look to see if I can jump in on the UTEC thing. But as you can probably appreciate, I can't do that until I try this first. Of course if it fills up by then, my loss. It's a great price by the way.
  11. You mean your ISP doesn't allow you to send emails? You can contact Giles by sending an email to info@DELETED.com Stephen
  12. Have you asked them if you want to combine plots yet?
  13. Crumbs its just a debate... no need to go trampling. Proof will be in the pudding (i.e. dyno), hold fire until them
  14. Just watched that, I really enjoyed it. Great post
  15. Evo X looks pretty though - if it turns out like the sneak pics that have surfaced this year
  16. yea, you keep telling yourself that I have a fantastic product for sale that will make your life a thousand times better, reduce stress, kill moss on your lawn, make you more attractive to the opposite sex, thinner, brainier and will get you promoted at work. It normally retails at £299.99 but I can let you have it for only £150 ! PM me and I shall give you my Paypal address PM sent.
  17. thats a great price. I'd love to jump on but I want to see if the ss box can be tweaked how I want it in the short term, so I can't tell you until the last week in Feb. Very tempting though.
  18. Hate to dig this thread up Lew, but just looking at your sig, what Ings+1 stuff do you have?
  19. I go AVG for virus software - it's free, and has a tiny 'footprint' And Microsoft Anti-Spyware - the spynet element that tells you when it knows what an application is and what it's trying to do is excellent But everyone has their own favourite
  20. brake *early* coming down the hill after druids - you need to carry as much speed as possible on the slow climb to Cleanways. If you don't everone passes you
  21. nice option! Not my thing, but definitely a worthwhile mod.
  22. that's going to be not inconsiderably heavier... very pretty though - and great for showy engine layouts
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