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Everything posted by StephenG

  1. Feel free to ask whatever you like. You can get to 450hp with a SC using an uprated pulley but that is the absolute limit before you have to look at fuelling and strengthening internals. I'm on a very comfortable and manageable 410 and that was downtuned from 430 so that I had more low end torque. In a nutshell, SC is cheaper (and easier to fit and remove) but TT is the more elegant solution. However, recommended fitters for the APS TT are hard to come by. There's not a wealth of expertise down here I'm afraid!
  2. Very disgruntled wife. I've just stripped a pallet (dumped on our lawn) of 2000 DVD's of my comedy show at the Theatre Royal into the house. What's left of it If you want to get one, it's nearly half price for a limited time: http://www.stephengrant.com/sg_shop.htm . Go on - it's very funny, I say c*nt twice, and my missus will love you for it Cover: Stills from the show: All proceeds towards the Stephen Grant buys a hard-wearing clutch so he can race the car at Santa Pod fund (gotta come up with a snappier name)
  3. I think I speak on behalf of many of the less vocal and more chilled 350z fans at this point when I say... oh ffs!
  4. They don't wave them in Scotland though, incase they get dragged from their car or have their kids beaten up J/K !!!!!!!!!
  5. Hell yeah! But I'm a pro There were a few, "wtf are you doing here?" moments.
  6. If you're going to be really picky... ... the flag is called the Union Flag, not the Union Jack.
  7. ... but do you have 430bhp worth of supercharger fitted?
  8. No need matey - I'm doing my final Edinburgh preview in Bath on Sunday. Come along
  9. NO, that's a disgrace, clearly your cog belt must be disconnected mustn't it ha ha No - put it in 6th - select 83mph on the cruise - leave it there - 27mpg average no problems.
  10. That's mine, and that's who I got it from.
  11. Well... 1. I stand corrected 2. There was no need for me to tell Abbey to relocate the headlight washers then, was there!!
  12. wow, that's a move from a 30K car to a 40K car to a 90K car. I'm stunned and impressed!
  13. No .., defo dont need washers for MOT (not part of MOT inspection ), BUT JDM ones do, to pass initial SVA, most just swop bulbs to get through SVA then revert back to original system.. I didn't think this was true - but I've just done a detailed search of the dvla site and can't find the testing rules, so you may be right.
  14. Shame to see you go, but nice car. Anyway - can I ask how much for the bimma? Wife's after a new car, and her budget is waaaay higher than mine
  15. Cheers for letting me park up on your pitch and then buggering off for the whole day. Glad to get my hands dirty pushing a skip around, too. Honest! BTW, that's an appalling MPG! I got 27mpg out of mine going home and I have a supercharger fitted.
  16. Thread bump! For those of you who saw them in the flesh this w/e at JAE... comments?
  17. Saw it. Love that front bumper. Let me know when you're selling it
  18. nice pic! Sorry I wasn't around much, but this year the S&S was soooo much work.
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