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Everything posted by Gus

  1. MPG can drop to about 20 or just under when town driving, but over 30 when M-way crusing. For mixed driving you should average around 25mpg. Tyres - all depends how hard you thrash them. Changed mine at about 11k or 12k. Rears were pretty well gone, fronts still had a bit of life, but I wanted the same on all 4 corners so changed them all at once ( about £550 for Toyo T1-Rs, which are highlt recommended ). I'm sure there's a thread explaining the differences with JDMs somewhere. BAsically the early ones were inferior in quite a few areas, the later ones are more or less the same, so depends on how old you were looking at. No major faults - a few smaller things fitted under warranty ( although I've not needed any of them ). Have you had a test drive, if not, give it a go, bet you'll be impressed Gus
  2. Do you actually mean a radar detector, or are you also considering the GPS based fixed camera warning ones ? Lots of people have the Origin B2 which is GPS based. I had one until recently - was very good and easy to install. Changed it for a Snooper which also has the SatNav - fantastic piece of kit Gus
  3. Revsport is correct - we all ( at least UK cars anyway ) have one of these. Gus
  4. Japan broadcasts radio over a different frequency range - you need a range shifter thingy I'm sure a jdm owner can give the technical name and supply a link for one ( sure you could get one on ebay if you knew what they were called ) Gus
  5. Assuming you're going to have the change the fronts reasonably soon, then just bite the bullet and get 4 decent tyres - Toyo T1-R or Pzeros are the most popular alternatives in the stock sizes I think. You can get a set of 4 Toyos for about £550 I'm sure Gus
  6. Definitely an import - first UK spec cars were late October 2003 Gus
  7. You're in Scotland now mate - we don't have lakes we have lochs !! Gus ps Before anyone replies, yes I do know that there is one lake in Scotland, but it isin't at Motherwell
  8. Gus

    My First Pics

    Yup, don't understand why they bothered, silver is silver............ Gus
  9. I've got the Snooper Indago - fantastic bit of kit, although a bit more expensive. It involves subscription to get the regular speed camera updates Gus
  10. DrP, You could always turn UP the brightness of the instrument lighting, so that the contrast between it and the full beam bulb is less. Sounds a bit weird I know, but may work for you Gus
  11. Not sure about the Yanks..... For the original engine they had 287bhp, whereas we had 280PS, ie 276bhp. Would be a lot simpler if everyone used the one measure, still at least the 2 measures are almost in a 1:1 ratio so more or less interoperable. It's the numerous torque measures that really confuse me, never sure what any figure means without thinking about it for a while Gus
  12. Val, See here http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=658, including your first post ( 8th one down) Gus
  13. The buttons on the right hand side of the pod just affect the background lighting - they don't affect any of the individual warning type lights ( ie full beam, ESP off, etc ) Gus
  14. Val, If we're being pedantic, is the GT4/MY06 engine not 300ps, ie 296 bhp Gus
  15. What an ar$e, doesn't sound like he should be let anywhere near a dyno Gus
  16. Gus

    NEW civic type-r

    Wow, that is one f-ugly car IMHO Still, each to their own Gus
  17. If you completely overcook it ( as I did on a driver instruction day with RideDrive at an airfield ) and all the warning lights light up, then only way to clear them is to switch off and back on. Not sure whether all the electric aids are still working if you don't do this Gus
  18. Lew, Did you consider painting it a non-Zed colour to make it a bit more unique ? The second last pic, ie the indoor one, makes the blue look a lot darker than Azure - looks good like that ! Gus
  19. lomoto, It's worse than that, 53 * 52 * 5 = 13780 ! All depends what the APR is. Just quoting a weekly amount without a period and a rate is not that helpful.............
  20. I thought Steve had a Nismo exhaust, not a Stealth exhaust. Also, that's not a Greddy rear bumper, it's the Italian one that Val found and got imported.....was it Speed Racing ? Not sure about the rest Gus
  21. See the ABI website http://www.abi.org.uk/carinsurance/ListGroups.asp Gus
  22. At this time of year, easy for the lights to get quite dirty ( washers are useless imo ) - this can affect visibility quite drastically. However, assuming your lenses are clear, then some have upgraded the full beam bulb to a more powerful one - sorry can't remember details. Gus
  23. That's the current price, ie £28k, plus £1k for the wheels. This is all the dealer will know, as there has not been any announcement yet. If you order now, for delivery after the new model comes out, should you get it at the current prices, or would they be entitled to ask for extra since it is a model revision ? Gus
  24. You are 100% correct. The coupe is faster than the roadster, but the coupe base and coupe GT are identical. Gus
  25. If you need 4 seats, then obviously the M3 is the one. Otherwise, the 350Z has been show to beat the M3 around the track, plus will be much, much cheaper. Also will look a lot more exclusive
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