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Everything posted by steve_b

  1. Do the refill fit into normal wiper setup, or do you buy full set then change refills from there.
  2. Sorry but not sure. As I have it running on an IPaq, try mailing them at CheckPOInt@OABsoftware.nl to see, but looks like is Nav only. Others, like this site, its free and better than nothing. Steve does it work with the TOMTOM Go?? the site only mentions the Navigator software...
  3. Will also offer the winner a chance to drive 3 x 15 mins of Abbeville track in France in a 200BHP Caterham 7. Will include include 48Hr return on Tunnel. But done at own risk, ie, I am not paying for any personal insurance and you will have to sign normal track day waiver. Also not paying your petrol to get there. for someone else vid....sorry its a Beemer. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 1400227109
  4. Kev, Just want people to get a reward to make it more interesting. Full weekend tickets are expensive and I cannot splash out for 2 people hence the limit, (plus I have a year to save up for it) Red, thanks for your support, and ZedRush did not know Tesco’s did anything to do with Zed. Val, If you say its okay perhaps we can set up different pinned thread and I will set it up properly. Digsy, what about a ticket to see your band, that would be great. I have this years Renault cap, not even out yet, as we also sponsor them. All, the people donating can also win their someone else’s donation as it will be difficult to win. Do not want to exclude anyone. Rule will be publish up front so we cannot cheat.
  5. Just use any of the free overlays / POI for TomTom. Works for me. http://poiplace.oabsoftware.nl/
  6. I will donate a max of £200 towards British GP 2008 tickets to get the ball rolling. The club fancy putting a couple of stickers. (the ones I did not get for the 350 post count)
  7. Was the same meeting where we had 3 people in a Z. PS Bob thanks for the BBQ food last year still own you for that and the hospitality. Might not be able to make this year as driving around Le Mans Bugatti circuit on the 19th.
  8. Rip off from somewhere else I use....... NOTE this is from last YEAR, would have differnet drivers, teams this year. The Competition:- Please select your team as below and email it with your name, forum name and a team name to fantasyf1@350z-uk.com . * Choose 1 driver from each pool A,B,C,D (only 1 driver from a particular team*) * Choose 1 constructor from each pool E,F (ensure you have not chosen a driver from this team*) * Choose the driver who you think will make up the most places from the grid to final race result - ie. start 15th place finish 9th = 6 places made up. In event of a tie the driver starting furthest back on the grid wins. You may choose a driver already in your team or from a team you have already chosen. * Choose the race you would like to act as your 'joker' where ALL points scored at that race count double. * You may only select one driver from a team and you cannot select a manufacturer if you have already chosen a driver from that team. IE.If you choose Alonso you can not choose Fisichella or Renault as a constructor. How Points are Scored:- Drivers - position - each driver will be awarded the points in the same way as they are in the race dependent on finishing position. 1st-10pts, 2nd-8pts, 3rd-6pts, 4th-5pts, 5th-4pts, 6th-3pts,7th-2pts,8th-1pts Constructors - position - each constructor will be awarded points in the same way as the drivers for both it's cars if they finish in the points. Drivers & Constructors - pole position - 5 points will be awarded to the driver and to the constructor for a pole position. Drivers & Constructors - fastest lap - 5 points will be awarded to the driver and to the constructor for the fastest official lap during the race. Drivers & Constructors - finish - 5 points will be awarded for each driver completing a race and for each car for a constructor finishing a race. Best race improvement - 1 point for every place made up from qualifying to final result. Joker round - All points you score at this race will count double. The results used will be the official FIA classification. If a driver is replaced during the season you will be allocated the replacement driver and collect their subsequent points. The Pools:- Pool A Pool B J Button HONDA F1 R Barrichello HONDA F1 M Schumacher FERRARI F Massa FERRARI K Raikkonen McLAREN J P Montoya McLAREN F Alonso RENAULT G Fisichella RENAULT R Schumacher TOYOTA J Trulli TOYOTA M Webber WILLIAMS N Rosberg WILLIAMS Pool C Pool D N Heidfield BMW SAUBER J Villeneuve BMW SAUBER T Monterio MF1 C Albers MF1 D Coulthard RED BULL C Klien RED BULL T Sato SUPER AGURI Y Ide SUPER AGURI V Luzzi TORO ROSSO S Speed TORO ROSSO Pool E Pool F HONDA F1 BMW SAUBER FERRARI MF1 McLAREN RED BULL RENAULT SUPER AGURI TOYOTA TORO ROSSO WILLIAMS Don't forget to choose:- one driver from each pool A-D one constructor from each pool E & F your best improvement driver your joker round (see www.f1.com for full schedule) Email with your name, forum name and a team name to fantasyf1@350z-uk.com Team Changes: As stated above we are changing the way we handle transfers this year. We will allow a maximum of 4 changes that can be made at any point during the season. The only stipulation is that you can only change your drivers and Teams no amendment can be made to the Joker round or best performance driver. Changes must be made within 48hrs of a race finish to be valid for the next race - otherwise they will be held over for the following race. Rules:- * - Only open to members of 350z-uk. * - Only one entry per member * - Entries for first race on 12/3 must be received by 18.00 on Friday 10th March * - Entries can be accepted at any point during the season but only start scoring for the next race if 48 submitted within 48 hrs of a race completing if not they will be held for the following race. * - Entries rec'd after 17/3/05 that are identical to existing entries will be asked to be amended so as not to duplicate those entered at the start * - No cash or alternative prizes can be awarded * - Details of all winners will be notified on the clubs forums * - Judges decision is final Just need people to donate low value prizes....
  9. Real shame about the car. 2 questions. Why no airbags deployed and what happened to the big ALI bar on front.
  10. I have heard of cases where the car have been tracked via the normal road cameras (flow control ones, not speed camera) Not saying they would do it for minor speeding offences but for more major crimes. They look at flow camera recording to identify a car and where it joined and left motorway, which in itself cannot be used for speeding offence as it does not record speed accurately, but then use the speed camera image to match to other video footage. They would not do this for someone 5-10 miles above limit since it takes time and effort, but if you are going at very high speeds then they will spend the time and also charge you for attempted to avoid the speeding.
  11. Are we going to setup a 350Z-UK F1 fantasy league this year
  12. Not worth buying the video. Its too short, could loan you it as long as you do not tell Andy. He will not mind if he gets a booking out of it. The next cheap LoT day with him is the 22/3, but not booked on that. PM me your address and I will send video, but its better seeing him in the flesh. Send / Call him to see if you could pop along to see what his training day involves. You are London boy, he is at North Weald so should not be too far.
  13. Andy Walsh day at www.carlimits.com , you can do many different types of days with 1-1. 1-2 or 1-4 on time bias.
  14. Got mine from http://www.rfconcepts.co.uk/ See http://www.alcester-racing-sevens.com/anglesey.htm so a couple of clips to view quality. (ps not mine but use the same kit.) What do you want it for as bullet Cam sound record is normally pants so better with proper mic.
  15. Well done Zedrush for getting it fixed for free, restores a bit of faith in NMGB. As Lew says the only mod that will make big difference is a TT/SC. Only thing better than that is driver training and you can get a lot of that for a grand. Trust me it will make a massive difference. But if I were you, I would do a Andy Walsh day for couple of hundred and then take that knowledge off on a couple of days out at the Ring instead.
  16. Okay post what you think is the most shocking or funny clip (Utube or similar.) Funniest one.... http://www.break.com/index/phone_sex_op ... _call.html Shocking one..... http://www.break.com/index/helicopter_c ... _ship.html Driving related one http://www.break.com/index/humvee_drivi ... affic.html ..do not think he wanted to stop
  17. Does anyone over there work for TfL or DfT. I think that story is rubbish and just hyped journalism. Typical they will make changes/tweaks to the system to improve flow over time, however deliberately misleading the public by creating a jam and then freeing that after charging people money is suicide.
  18. Cheers chap, but will not be in the right condition when it gets there. Through it off the south if the Island, it will end up in Northern France eventually
  19. This is just a few odds and ends. Wife left furniture from family death. This is for holiday home so not much needed, ie, bed and table/chairs....not a full house move.
  20. More pics and review here http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/carreviews ... _350z.html
  21. The rear spoiler somehow changes the shape of the car and makes it look like size 24 911 porker.
  22. THE FINAL WORD ON NUTRITION After an exhaustive review of the research literature, here's the final word on nutrition and health: 1. Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. 2. Mexicans eat a lot of fat and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. 3. Chinese drink very little red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. 4. Italians drink excessive amounts of red wine and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. 5. Germans drink beer and eat lots of sausages and fats and suffer fewer heart attacks than us. CONCLUSION: Eat and drink what you like. Speaking English is apparently what kills you
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