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Everything posted by steve_b

  1. Anyone going on Val's French trip as that may change when.
  2. What about the 16-17th at Silverstone. Might be able to get you a tour of one/some race Elises/Exige/340R/VX220 and signatures of the drivers. You could even have a go on the simulator. No box at Silverstone so if we want one may cost a bit. But we could just do picnic/bbq etc. http://www.lotrdc.com/
  3. 27th and 28th http://www.motorsportvision.co.uk/event ... uctID=2803 Why not take the kids to the DTM and get them interested in mota's early on. (if they are less than 8-9 old then not good)
  4. Any interest in going to DTM racing at Brands on the 10th of June. http://www.motorsportvision.co.uk/event ... uctID=2921 If so could ask to see if I can hire the Lotus box but need to see if anyone interested first. Would the historic F1 be more interesting on the Bank Hols end of May.
  5. 6th-13th in france otherwise okay. (bank hols)
  6. We believe you chap, just someone has been playing with the figures. Glad you have stuck around here, make sure those free stickers are sent out.
  7. you've found a great place to be Enjoy the Zed as it is worth the wait. I am sure one of our of the chaps will be along with advice about the wobble.
  8. If the total posts are just 3 mil then he cannot have 10 mil.
  9. I used them once in ice and thought I had blown a fuse as they would not work. However the next day all was good, they did not need resetting or anything it was all good.
  10. Also have a look at http://english.controleradar.org/speeding-fines.php To the right you will see the regions and the camera location. AGAIN not full proof but may help. Steve
  11. Cannot find the bit about points transfered but here is good summary of fines. Just to let you know it is not common getting caught but something you should weight up when taking a chance. (If you want to just go all out take it to Germany) These are applicable to UK drivers caught in France (speeds are set at the amount over the limit): * speeding at less than 20km/12mph - 68 euros plus 1 point or 135 euros plus 1 point if in a 50km zone * speeding between 20km/12mph and 30km/19mph - 135 euros plus 2 points; licence suspension (normally only in France) up to 3 years. * speeding between 30km/19mph and 40km/25mph - 135 euros plus 3 points; licence suspension (normally only in France) up to 3 years. * speeding between 40km/25mph and 50km/31mph - 135 euros plus 4 points; licence suspension (normally only in France) up to 3 years. Significantly, your licence can also be confiscated on the spot. * speeding over 50km/31mph - 1500 euros plus 6 points; licence suspension (normally only in France) up to 3 years. Significantly, your licence can also be confiscated on the spot. * second offence over 50km - up to 3 months' jail, up to 3750 euros plus 6 points; licence suspension (normally only in France) up to 3 years * the minimum fine is 45 euros if paid within 15 days and 180 euros if more than 45 days (maximum 450 euros if it goes to trial) * the 135 euros fine is 90 euros if paid within 15 days and 375 euros if more than 45 days (maximum 750 euros if it goes to trial) * if you are stopped by police / gendarmerie you have to pay the fine on the spot in cash, failing which the car will be impounded and you will be taken to the local police station. Your licence may be suspended for up to 14 days. * if you are caught by a speed camera you will probably not be pursued for the fine or points but the penalties could be as shown above
  12. Anyone into films probably know this database but is great source of info. http://imdb.com/name/nm0839486/
  13. Could not believe it when saw "My name is Earl" for the first time and thought, hey they look familiar. Also when said big chap was on evolution but looked younger than he did on the other earlier films.
  14. Got most of Kevin Smith films. MallRats is classic re the big chap (not jay) looking at those magic Dot Matrix pics. Clerks was not great but the rest are great.
  15. Gents, http://www.reverie.ltd.uk/ can most things but beware they are very expensive. Used by Caterham and Elise boys and are top quality. But again warning they are expensive.
  16. Only thing wrong with that is the tango'd inside.
  17. Real nice looking car. What else are you expanding into.
  18. Lawn done last Saturday, ground still wet so will not do it again for a while, fence not painted since the blinking thing blown down in Jan and still pi55 about the bill.
  19. Gents, I go over quite a bit. (still waiting for the paper work to complete before I get my house out there, ) First there is speed camera's and they CAN pass the details onto UK DVLA, so exchange points. They are all typically signed, BUT the cameras are not painted yellow as in UK. Everyone I have seen is forward facing. I have been flashed a few times but never been chased up yet, so do not think they are enforcing it. But be warned. As for the toll booth, they will not charge you but the police do have the right too if they happen to be there and also in the mood they can do you. They typically use the toll area's as tea-break areas so it will just be bad luck if they are having a break and trying to chat up the toll booth lady. I have gone thru tolls 40+ times and lets just say not many are below the limit. If you are planning a long trip or being there, could be worth getting the toll system charging unit. that way you miss the queues and also, since toll booth will be on wrong side, then you will not have to rely on missus bashing the car door against wall. Take safety kit, triangle, yellow jacket spare bulbs etc as that can lead to instant fine. Make sure wife has driver lic with her. If you get nicked and they take your lic away, they will not let you carry on without proving the NEW driver has one. Last piece of advice, see if you are out same time as Le Mans 24. If so the police will nick you at any given opportunity and you really do not want to argue with them. But it is a great place, so enjoy.
  20. about 50-60 as no real time limit, and in IT vendor sales related there is no such thing as overtime, just need to get the job done.
  21. You will love it. Also have to do a write up between the 07 model and the one you test drove as yours may be the first on here. PS ignore what they say about the colour and enjoy.
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