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Everything posted by 350Znismo

  1. Welcome Remember, if England win this weekend (the real fotty game) then we will be quite and reserved about it (I dont think so !!!! ) Welcome aboard
  2. Welcome, I imported mine direct from Japan and the worry is you pay out a lot of money to people that are internet based and hope your car turns up, if i was looking now i would buy one that is already in the UK, so you can see and buy. Goog luck
  3. GM UK Coupe leaving Westbury on the A350 to Warminster
  4. Uk car 10am Sunday 4th June, heading frome way
  5. I just collect the Harrods plastic bags and carry bargains home in them
  6. David read the content of the post before defending your decision to pay money for none existing discounts. Other people will make there own mine up on the subject, Val is just pointing out to other members on this site (730 and growing) how to make savings and not pay for them so as you say the discount is a benefit, but even better Val is showing members how to get it for free. I am saying from experience if you handle the situation as a market driven quote you will see the discount is only there to achieve marketing advantage on other companies, as once they get your call they remove the promise of the 15% whether you are a member or not. This is seen on other sites as a reason to pay yearly membership, all Val is questioning is the reason why, no mention of which site, as Val is a paid up member of that site (not the oc) he has the right to question it. MFI are always offering 40% off so hurry as it will be over soon !
  7. Thats what i found, they ask first if i had recieved a quote from anyone else, i said yes, then they asked if i was a member of any car club, i said no, they said they would give me a member discount anyway (15%) So they are just quoting against market prices and using the 15% as a marketing ploy!
  8. yes two screwdrives and a friend pulling
  9. yes they are clips to stop the wires working loose
  10. Look for side clips on the plug that enters the radio it will need to be pressed in with two screwdrivers then pulled
  11. Ask him what free extra's he is giving you (ask for a nissan coat) then take it off when you get home (easy to remove)
  12. Hi Mo, And welcome First I would get an insurance quote as at your age could be quite high, get it for both as some charge more for Imports. The two chooses are, UK if you can afford the higher price, also it will come with a guarantee (from a main dealer) If not then the best route is for an import.
  13. That’s not a problem, as long as they keep the cockpit door locked
  14. Like Val says it cold be over spray that need buffing off, most small shops like that are moving cars with no check on quality, but most will sort it out.
  15. I think its straight forward enough to do yourself and remember if you get problems post on here and there is always auto electrical people here that can help.
  16. Thats what you need it will fill the space of you old unit with a small storage pocket, and fit your new head unit. see here http://www.350z-uk.com/gallery/displayi ... 0&pos=-402 and the wiring is an iso (plug and play) lead. After that you just push in the new unit.
  17. Give Sextons a ring and they would quote you about £35 hr (2 hrs) but you will need to get the 1 din converter for them. If you say you are not looking for DVD play back, try this one (you can add a screen in the chubby box later), and it plays MP3 from DVD for £79. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/In-Car-DVD-CD-MP3 ... dZViewItem and it plays MP4
  18. I take it your current unit is 2 din (as large as two head units) so will need to fit a 1 din conversion (i think this will be above Halfords scope) Currys are doing them for £319 but you will need to fit them. High spec unit for the money but only Video not MP4, so to use the DVD you will need to carry the full film on DVD.
  19. Welcome you are right in the middle of Zed country with many members around you with regular meets. I think you have picked the best colour, Have a look around and remember this is the only free 350Z site around.
  20. Not exactly, as the two can work side by side but if you are playing mp3's then why go back to cd's. Have a look at this http://www.phoenix-pcs.co.uk/acatalog/P ... ICX1R.html Fitted it a Zed http://www.350z-uk.com/gallery/displayi ... at=0&pos=4 The car is a UK car and they changed the head unit only, running through the Bose amps and speakers. This gives you sat nav, dvd, mp3, mp4, Ipod, all for £980. if i had my time again that is the way to go.
  21. Now you have the gsp aerial you can pick up software from ebay that runs on your pc, i got mine for £10 and it is better than tom tom.
  22. Val, I carried in my hand luggage a electronic data log system, 12" screen, PC, cables and electronic cards, last week with no problem through customs and the x-ray machines, He would be ok to put it in his case no problem. We hand carry electronics all the time he just needs paperwork invoiced value at £10 each from him to you, as enngineering samples to be showen only if he is stopped and customs can not disagree with the value.
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