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Everything posted by 350Znismo

  1. 350Znismo

    350Z wanted

    Spoke to Terry and he Knows of a 53 plate Auto coupe for £14.500 (on of the ex Nissan managers cars) In South Wales, Low mileage. He is prepared to allow us to use his login to the live jap auctions to look at the cars ( and prices) and then break down the how to import step by step if anyone wants to import direct or he charges £500 all in for his company to do it. I got mine through him for under £19k, 14 month old roadster which I saw go through the auctions and spoke to Terry’s Japanese friend who said it was A1 (he also avoided 2 I liked). They are selling at import dealers for £22k now! (Terry is not a 350Z importer, he will do it but he is into Subaru’s) Also there is the option of buying ready modified cars, Terry says that its harder to get through SVA in the uk but he has a set of standard wheels and bumpers (change to standard and then change back after the test, so the cars can come ready modified, also this goes for engine mods but he needs help on that. Also we need to point out the difference on Insurance for UK or Imported cars I was driving an Audi 1.8 TD insurance £385 I now drive an Imported Roadster £477 The insurance company had no problem as it was an Import Note you only need to go to special insurance companies if you are buying a modifying car (UK or Import) FACT.
  2. You will water down that blue divided
  3. Keep me posted if you are really going for the lambo doors as I will join you (discount)
  4. Welcome Will and remember to put you car on the frappr map, http://www.frappr.com/350zuk Also dont forget to post a picture of you car in the free gallery.
  5. Hi Simon, I am just about to dress up my roadster (some say like a Hooker at a Wedding), Lexus LED lights, Nismo wing, 20â€
  6. http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/SONY-WX-7700MDX-C ... dZViewItem If you are looking to swap out speakers and head unit I am also up for that, I have looked at this head unit but need to find good matching speakers as the Bose wont work with it.
  7. Hi welcome Steve, How do you find the handling on the 19" I’m trying 20" rims this weekend and am sh** scared of altering the ride
  8. Just to let the debate on the money die, I am like many are ready to pay and join other sites, if I can see what I get and I understand that is being announced soon, so we wait and watch. Anyway welcome and as many sites, the forum is a success if all contribute, so enjoy posting and look out for the new sections on savings that we are negotiating with suppliers that support the Z, and if you can better them let us know so we share together.
  9. No you didnt it has given us a great idea to deal with car sales.
  10. balllswinger welcome (like the name hope its demoliton and not a big boy) A contact of mine was trying to sell a Oct 03 spec same as yours (Auto) for the same price and had lots of offers but no one came up with the money. As a last resorce there is http://www.bristolimportcentre.co.uk/offers.asp he has a waiting list and i know he brings them in for around that price, he might take yours.
  11. Let it stay as a member could buy it, but should have a section for passing traders like See it on Ebay section
  12. Yes I now see your point on modified car need special insurance, but the point I make is mine is a standard Import with no modifications, so I have just tried Adrian Flux and for my circumstance they are £690 with £500 excess, where as ordinary Churchill is £477 with £500 excess. That’s £213 difference, all in my pocket, no club discount needed to work that one out. So I think discount offers on Insurance should also have a warning that what is classed as discount value for one car could be an on cost for another, and as most members of all these clubs are driving un modified UK and Imported cars we need to point this out !
  13. I know its sounds daft but the AA have a price promise on insurance could that be used here Also one company one quote sounds a little unlike you, try Churchill you could save £60 thats a £5 profit more and all the £60 in your pocket. (brummy logic)
  14. Welcome One week old and 75 members Please join in and start posting
  15. Welcome That was what we set out to achive, as not all members want to be part of a pay per view environment. This site is free Free from censorship And hopefully, enjoyable. Please post pictures of you car in the members section (also Free)
  16. I have a company supporting us, if we link to their site they are paying the bill. So we are just looking for the postage or free if we meet at events.
  17. I will be there (and the stickers will be ready) If anyone dont want to track their car Turn up and we can track mine I will book tomorrow
  18. Try Churchill Insurance they insured mine on the Vin number as mine was not registered in the UK and I paid £477 wife is 33 and they gave me full no claims on a new policy (no history) they have a deal if you have one policy with them then they will match the details and give you the same discount. I asked if there was an issue with an import and they said it didn’t matter.
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