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Everything posted by 350Znismo

  1. Wednesday 25th M4 (Heathrow) Gunmetal UK car, 05 plate
  2. Tuesday 24th 6pm M25 Southbound (A30) Sunset UK car 53 plate
  3. Hi Max, Welcome and enjoy the site, any question please feel free to ask, and also post pictures in your free gallery. What out for the M6 section by you, it was so inviting it cost me 6 points
  4. 10" wide on the rears, and the ride was as good as the 18" (a friend said thats the sign of a well designed chassis)
  5. Im trying, Rehab next, (I will not add more) (I will not add more) NOT WOKING
  6. Only took a few due to it raining will take more this weekend
  7. You got it, "the Hooker at the wedding" I have got used to the lights and dont want to take them off now, I am the Pete of Big Brother (Dont Give A Sh*t)
  8. Fitted the wheels (from Bigwheels4u ) Today and although not to everyone’s taste I like the look, (Lambo Doors next), It has an aggressive feel to it and they match the arches. Any good suppliers of custom decals out there!
  9. Blond Girl: A trucker stops for a red light, where a blonde jumps out of her car and knocks on his door. "Hi, my name is Heather and you are losing some of your load", she warns him breathlessly. The trucker ignores her and continues down the street. When he stops at the next red light, the girl again catches up, jumps out of her car, runs up and knocks on the door. As if they've never spoken, the blonde says brightly: "Hi, my name is Heather, and you are losing some of your load!" Shaking his head, the trucker ignores her and continues down the street. At the third red light, all out of breath the blonde gets out of her car, runs up, and knocks on the window again. "Hi, my name is Heather", she repeats, "and you are losing some of your load!" When the light turns green, the trucker revs up and races to the next light. When he stops this time, he hurriedly gets out of the truck, and runs back to the blonde. He knocks on her window and as she lowers it, he says: "Hi, my name is Kevin and I'm driving a gritter!"
  10. Want Them, Want Them, Want Them, Want Them, (well it works with my kids ) I have the Bugs Eyes (disapointed) lights but they are A1+
  11. The site is here for guys like you who need to feel it ok to ask questions or join in the debates, remember we all are new to owning the Zed (me 4 months) so welcome aboard.
  12. Look forward to your input and we all enjoy a good debate.
  13. Nick, Welcome Neighbor I’m in your area, Look forward to starting the regional meets soon so see you around.
  14. Looks good Noticed you are removing your bumpers, how easy was it and do you have any pictures to share. (my next mod )
  15. 350Znismo

    350z Body Kits

    It’s not only about price so much as reduces the resale opportunities when you come to sell, from my experience if you return to the main dealer for a trade in they are always looking for straight vehicles against book value, and tend to shy away. But saying that there is always guys (who will pay a premium) looking to be different who wants pre modified cars (you just need to find them) One point i have saved everything i have changed so with a little work can send it back to near standard. Good Luck
  16. 350Znismo

    350z Body Kits

    Good to see you posting, The first consideration is your car a UK or import, as I have an import and plan to dress it up like a Hooker at a Wedding, Lexus led lights 20â€
  17. I was tempted a few weeks ago, and bid on one upto £19k. but wanted more. when they drop in price i would have one.
  18. He must have slimmed down since the last time i meet him, looks like he's putting me to shame
  19. I personally agree with vestitas, that its no issue to me, if anyone reads my posts or views my pictures (only if the wife finds out how much money this hobby costs) I understand its been raised as a discussion point, but we all hide behind handles, and anyone can join clubs (even pay money and join clubs) and read what is behind any so called secure system. But I will go with the majority as it’s not an issue to me as I have joined anyway.
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