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Everything posted by Removed

  1. jeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus 20"! go on a diet then, you'll have to make up for the weight of the wheels !
  2. i normally go via the view new posts button
  3. I have the item itself mate..... if it's any use! will be at home in manchester over the weekend
  4. surely someone will come up with the exact figure but i DO remember the £££ was extortionate
  5. great stuff! you might want to post it (or I guess we can just move this) to the trader's section
  6. I'm sure they are £££ as I remember an owner replacing them... IIRC it was £300-400 for the whole mirror/mechanism? Of course those were dealer prices (ie overpriced)
  7. I was formerly known as P15pathfinder....
  8. Nice one Simon! Glad to see you on board here
  9. never seen it before, looks a bit bulky maybe?
  10. you can't even blame me since during the week I only have access from the office
  11. also do a search on ebay for 350z.....
  12. nice to see you on here! hope you enjoy your stay!
  13. try googling 350z uk now and look on the right column
  14. looks quite good, even the colour, bar the chrome wheels
  15. it's the standard UK lip rear spoiler. from your pic you don't have one though. Look in the gallery at Neo's car, that's the spoiler steve talks about
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