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Everything posted by Removed

  1. Adam, this is (I hope) the chapter on our UK manual where the ECM (as they call it, not ecu, I suppose it's the same) is analysed in detail, I'm sure you'll be able to find out if it has the same pinout diagram as the US one (for compatibility with the UTEC). It's over 6MB though, I'll have to email it to you as it wont seem to upload it
  2. fingers crossed, but these crashes do happen... also we suspect the busier we get the more likely it is to crash...... but yeah the chat ROCKS! whenever this site gets a bit more stable I'm looking forward to have a nice chat to many of us ! PS Zchat themes are on the cards too!
  3. thanks! we have lots of ideas... but haven't had the time to implement them yet.... first on the cards though is getting rid of all these crashes!
  4. Removed

    350Z wanted

    good luck, I'm keeping hold of mine for another few years
  5. mate! nice to see you here too! some teething problems (ie crashes) but we'll get there
  6. oh the clips, sorry the forum crashed on me while re-reading the question in the US they are much cheaper, I remember someone else from the deceased forum getting them, alternatively drop a PM to MrF on this forum, compare prices with the dealers and make your choice
  7. 350z-uk.com and its owners and/or those contributing to the site will accept no responsibility for loss or damage caused whilst following instructions posted within this site. We would suggest that if you have any doubts at all you contact the person who created the instructions, and if you are still uncertain - seek professional help, or do not perform the modification. Modifications WILL invalidate your warranty, so please do them at your own risk. It has to be said though, that for a Dealership to blame your mods for the problem you have reported, they need to prove the connection. For example, if you have changed your gear knob and ask for your electrical fault to be sorted under warranty, the Manufacturer is obliged to carry out the work under warranty. If instead you changed your gear knob, and then you have an issue with your transmission, they may wriggle out of a warranty claim since you could have well damaged the transmission by uninstalling the OEM gear knob incorrectly. So, again, you modify your car at your own risk, and this website, the owners and the 350z-uk.com team can not be held liable for any damage incurred OR any warranty claim that will not be honoured by the Manufacturer.
  8. well now you know to think twice about buying a front lip...... (like in my case) seriously, the Z is low as it is, so owners beware before adding a front lip to it
  9. unfortunately plastic so close to metal panels, painted same colour and under different light can give somewhat different shades
  10. the one (JDM) on this group buy doesnt require any modding. It's only the US version (tips don't touch the boot) that would need to be modified. The JDM version is installed fairly simply, possibly the most difficult bit is to take off the OEM spoiler for UK cars.... Bear in mind that once you do the extra holes on your boot, you won't be able to go back to the OEM spoiler unless you fill the extra holes on the boot...
  11. Nice to see you on board! These guys already sponsor sites like 350z-tech.com and my350z.com and their Customer Service is indeed very good Really glad to have you here!
  12. valid points, and also the tuner point, possibly current Subaru tuners might be willing/able to work on the Z UTEC? The unit does seem to be doing a great job, for both modded N/A and F?I cars!
  13. for those of you interested in it... http://www.d1gp.co.uk/ I have to say when I saw the demo @ GT Battle it was really entertaining !
  14. Donington Park, Castle Donington http://www.donnyshow.co.uk/ Directions: http://www.multimap.com/map/browse.cgi?lat=52.8283&lon=-1.3725&scale=10000&icon=x
  15. easy.... in my gallery there is my car with the US version on (tips don't touch the boot of the car, but base need modifying to go onto a European car) This is the wing involved in this Group buy (+the carbonfibre version being test fitted)
  16. they are a kit. I've seen them in a few US online shops. I can personally recommend www.mynismo.com (performance nissan) or lee auto (do a search you should find the address) Possibly Courtesy Parts (again do a search for address) All have been used by UK customers, with good reviews. Check who has the cheapest shipping price too, can make a difference
  17. Removed

    Lexus LF-A

    Lexus LF-A Prototype... Is this the new Supra? They are advertising it a around 500 HP. Looks like the GT-R is gonna have a run for its money!!!
  18. you'll have to mate.... now that the TT options are widening with HKS soon to release theirs etc etc
  19. awwww nostalgic are we? great to see her again
  20. hmmm just found some interesting info on the UTEC gains on a N/A car on my350z.com...... think this is going to be my next performance mod (if it works on our car and find someone in this country who knows what to do with it) http://my350z.com/forum/showthread.php?t=161922
  21. lol got mine too... in the garage somewhere .....
  22. optional. Contact Nissan japan for nightly rates
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