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Everything posted by Removed

  1. ahah this was funny: gus you referred to the info being available for free on the site and linking it: look at what happened when i searched for squeaky seat, then creaky seat, found it and tried to access it...... read 1-2-3
  2. we have it on our list of known issues: if a dealer can't be arsed to go check the UK TSB list imo he is not worth going back to with the printout of where they need to apply the grease, simply change dealer, ffs It's a known issue, most dealers will 1- know how to solve it OR 2-check the TSB list if they don't anything else is poor service and dealer should be avoided, imo
  3. there ya go I'll open it back for you to reply
  4. Taken from website: "Modified Nationals 2006 will be an exciting new concept for us; we are taking what has been a fantastic party weekend and modified car event with 2 nights of partying and 2 show days and adding to it a race element. From 2006 you can now race the only purpose built banked oval NASCAR circuit in the country, an infield track and a 0-60, 1.8th mile drag strip all in 1 weekend at Rockingham Motor Speedway the fastest motor racing track in the UK." Dates for your diary are June 3rd & 4th 2006. http://www.modifiednationals.co.uk/ sounds like an interesting show to be present at....
  5. I saw the video this morning...... MAD! mind you, was to be expected, poor bull
  6. the fact that it "drowns out all other noises" proves my point
  7. yeah I like the Nismo on its own, coupled with other mods might become a bit too loud though
  8. 1 correct 2 correct (will do that during SVA) 3 I doubt that it'll be an issue, Zs are made in the same factory for the whole world 4 again, this was only proved by a very early JDM model over only one dyno session, so imo this is debatable 5 all Z in the world have now the same suspension setup as the European ones (since Nov 2004 IIRC) 6 yes, look for ST models (or why not models or colours only available in japan) 7 true in most cases more importantly, JDM cars are normally limited to 112mph
  9. aaahh yes, that's why i love Firefox, when you right click on a pic it has the option to "copy link location" instead of having to go into properties all the time
  10. you have to resize it and possibly lower the quality of it to get to 6k. I managed it with my hi-res original avatar. Just looked into your gallery, doesnt seem to be a small file there?
  11. just done it, but I'm having issues with the forum itself, keeps on coming up as text only for some reason
  12. yeah but you have to agree it's not the most user friendly is it
  13. lol I just copied and pasted, if they wanna link they can make the site work properly in the first place, forum came up with just text
  14. I made it 100x100 upon another member's request and yes you can put your avater in your gallery and link it from there
  15. I'll add you to the list on the other site mate, no worries shall we start a list here too? Kuro theMinel M13KYF
  16. could anyone get a DVD/cd of it? I haven't got Sky
  17. stil a cool effect imo :DB) PS as of yesterday according to the gadget show the most user friendly photo imaging software is Microsoft's (can't remember the name )
  18. what do you guys think? early afternoon, @ the Mascrat manor pub, off J21 M6 for some food and maybe a drive somewhere? Was checking the Frapp map and although there's only 24 of us registered there, quite a lot of us are in the NW..... so, anyone up for it?
  19. Mike nice to see you finally registered enjoy your stay
  20. looking forward to the moment when we'll need our own dedicated server
  21. US, a member on 350zmotoring IIRC
  22. agreed. as long as we are allowed to do the same, why not... mind you I'm not even allowed to post or Pm there...
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