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Everything posted by Removed

  1. very nice, we might even make as a DIY guide
  2. lots of articles about it in the US channels CF fender CF bonnet CF boot All interior plastics AC Lightweight battery Plastic windows etc etc etc
  3. mine? was priory @ the trafford centre BUT I played them all vs each other... then went back to the closest (priory) asking to price match et voila' :yahoo:
  4. £117 plus my own oil in manchester too
  5. I would like to extend my thanks to all those registered and especially to those members who actually post! to all those who don't: don't be shy, we don't bite! PS I now have (SLOW) access from my hotel room too so looking forward to contributing more myself! :yahoo:
  6. lol i thought this would happen eventually
  7. thanks, glad u like the site! ps. test drive 1 and you'll b hooked! what other cars are u looking at?
  8. glad to see you on here too! For those who don't know Regis, he's a very active French Z owner and was present in the old site too!
  9. ah! I see what you mean Stephen... couldn't you just drill a hole in the panel btw?
  10. well one guy having a go at them already put up another thread....
  11. Val, I wanted 2 say that but then thought i'd be 2 faced. Still not posted any myself.... Promise this week at the same time i wanted to attach the pics i have of the IOM when I was there in Nov, but we seem to have an issue uploading pics, both as attachments and in the gallery Chris'll sort soon
  12. you'll have to keep checking won't you
  13. waiting for SOMEONE to give us the go-ahead......
  14. cool! I contacted them on saturday, so hope to hear from the organisers in the week...
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