More info on nr2:
The hard part is getting the panels off. One you have access to the module (do not unscrew it!) then you can simply unplug the harness. Drive around like that for a few days and see if you like it. If you do, then decide if you want it to be a "fixed" mod, ie. just leave it unplugged.. or "selectable", meaning you wire in a toggle switch. Then it's just a matter of locating the switch somewhere nice, cleanly drilling a hole, and then install the switch.
Switches are easy installs. Especially for simple on/off purposes where you're not worried about amperage in the circuit. This is a low power lead. I'd guess 5amp max, if that. Probably just 1amp. Radio Shack sells toggle switches in a ton of different styles for very cheap ($.50 - $3.00/switch, depending on the style).
A toggle switch has two connections. You cut the wire, then basically just put the switch inbetween the cut and reconnect. It's a simple switch on a simple circuit. No relays, nothing fancy.
You need to be able to solder. But if you have a steady hand a about 15 minutes to practice then it is very easy.
If you get into this then PM me. I can walk you through the basics of electrical stuff to put you at ease.
If you want to confirm the wire without bothering with voltmeter testing, just call your local dealer, ask for the service dept, and ask them which wire is the 12v power lead for the yaw sensor mounted on the center console. If they ask why you want to know then just say you are curious. But they will tell you which wire. Should be the orange one though.
Don't pay a shop to do this. If you can cut a wire and if you can solder then you can wire in a switch no problem.