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Everything posted by Removed

  1. I used to have a weird noise when going up a multi storey car park a low speed, same description as you would give: as if the Z had a cough, or cold, could still hear it wehn I got into my parking space in the multi storey, revving the engine. Since I left my previous job, ie no more multi storeys, I haven't heard it since! weird stuff mate
  2. awwwww poison is on order I guess
  3. good luck with them! let us know please mate!
  4. I would keep it. It saved my bumper from a very minor collision, and only cracked the plate. worth keeping imo
  5. Thread closed btw, hasn't got anything more to give
  6. I really feel ashamed of having saved money to our members, sooooo ashamed
  7. need to find a part number somewhere. A service manual will have the info MrF would be a good source for offcial Nissan parts, compare prices with a dealer too!
  8. yeah, something like that you booked the restaurant for tonight yet?
  9. yeah but no spare wheel you resorted to a spray can steve?
  10. don't know about the seats make, but they look good indeed!
  11. lmao some people have just got too much time/money haven't they ! Admire the fact they these guys usually do it themselves though
  12. looking forward to see the Z kit!
  13. Allan is this the new "plug and play" Unichip unit or the one requiring soldering? could we please have more info? It's great to have choice!
  14. Yorky the issues with ALL bolt on mods is that the ECU learns them after a while, compensating and nullifying any gains. There has been a wealth of discussion about how the Z ECU works, on the US boards. That's why any ECU solution that bypasses the ECU in these cases is so beneficial. The issue of which of these might be the best for your current and future plans, is a different story
  15. I was worried about the heat too, and it definitely seems not to be an issue with halford's mixed colours, primer and lacquer
  16. good enough reason lmao
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