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Everything posted by Removed

  1. lol on 56k connection... will give it a miss tonight then lol
  2. yes pls calendar would be ace! I vote lomoto to insert all the dates i posted in the meets forums in the calendar too! not sure it would fit, we can try it
  3. lomoto, I'm glad you like the milltek, i have it too. Performance wise, i doubt we'll se any major gains, before playing with the ECU (see my sig)
  4. link? no idea what this event is lol
  5. I don't as you can't see the backbox anyway lol ss backboxes are nice and shiny, but the standard one isn't
  6. lol aftermarket jobbie then I guess
  7. i know i know, but you can always try
  8. ~4500 units including import, according to data from Mr.F who had data from the DVLA (or similar, reliable data anyway) congratulations on your Z mate!
  9. aaah ok copy of the Esprit one, yes looks familiar now
  10. nice! what rear is that? Veilside V 2??? I know front and sides are greddy... PS you'll need wheels asap ££££
  11. silverstone circuit.... will keep you updated! hopefully we manage to find the 2 extra cars needed
  12. http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=797 lazy bar steward want one?
  13. jeeeesus, the rat definitely needs some torturing with those prices.
  14. that's more steps than building a nuclear fusion reactor, right?
  15. I didn't post away your email details did I? It is the team's opinion that if you are a known member on the other forum you should stick to using your same username here too, thats the impression we got there, so we thought it only fair to ask the same here. About the thread with the newbie, there's nothing wrong with dreaming, that's how you make them reality. I'm glad you are still posting here, and are welcome to any meets, or the UTEC day. We do need 2 more cars to make it happen, though. Also, aren't you the guy who showed up briefly @ the Lake District drive that I organised last year?
  16. whifbitz are not interested in giving us discounts on DAMD products asked if they can give us discounts on anything else
  17. have 1 too, blue, sitting in my garage.
  18. yeah Mr.F on this board for the headlamp, but it's very expensive (the part not Mike) I have a blue oem spoiler in my garage, would need respraying but I can sell it to you VERY cheap (as I won't be able to use it anyway due to my extra holes on the boot now) PM me if interested
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