sounds like an unusual fault too, afaik? maybe to be added to known faults of the Z?
I liked Chorley nissan when I went there, glad they fixed it straight away
that's what Steve-B sold it for iirc! (£25k)
plus the guy has done over 9k miles on it in only a few months!
he must have changed the exhaust or he's just not got a clue.
He's also put the alpine satnav in. It's steve's old reg too! so definitely same car.
The guy got some models to pose on the car as well lmao.
I had the same issue (quote was basically double that for a UK one) and it was one of the reasons I went UK. Insurance quotes have so many different factors that can contribute to a low/high quote it's just a matter of basically trying as many as you can!
talkign about JAE, I had a look at the forms, I need contact nr 2 to put down on it. And a mobile: any volunteers?
I think we'll book a 20 slot area, which seems reasonable for now I would say.