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Everything posted by Removed

  1. aaah got it, thought you'd automatically enter the cars in your portfolio clearer now
  2. is your car an import? I heard bluetooth solutions were in the works, but not out yet? Definitely no bluetooth connectivity on 03-05 Z's btw
  3. lol they are just performance mods since Pippa put it on her portfolio. Some more aestethic mods are coming in a bout 3 weeks (quite major ones)
  4. that's your opinion mate If you plan on modifying your Z GT pack is a sound waste of money
  5. Pippa, you have my car on file already, I have done extra mods since.
  6. sounds like an unusual fault too, afaik? maybe to be added to known faults of the Z? I liked Chorley nissan when I went there, glad they fixed it straight away
  7. got them in the garage, waiting for weather to get better and change wheels, so I'll do them then
  8. if I was into trackdays, I'd be quite disappointed, not much stuff going on around our neck of the woods is there?
  9. yeah but it's his job isn't it? lol
  10. I'm keeping mine forever so I'm not bothered PS Rays as standard, quite qa bold move I'd say!
  11. never heard of them mate, let us know how you find it!
  12. damn still ahve to pay for it lol doing it now
  13. thanks go especially to Dorian Neo and Chris, they have done the most work!
  14. well done mate, you wont regret it!
  15. Removed

    Tesco 99

    no I confirm I can do the pulling away trick normally
  16. of course once the UTEC event and possbily the tuning event are finalised, they could definitely come along?
  17. Removed

    Tesco 99

    mine does the moving bit on sainsbury's 97 too though would love to try it but up here no sign of it yet
  18. that's what Steve-B sold it for iirc! (£25k) plus the guy has done over 9k miles on it in only a few months! he must have changed the exhaust or he's just not got a clue. He's also put the alpine satnav in. It's steve's old reg too! so definitely same car. The guy got some models to pose on the car as well lmao.
  19. no they aren't. The guy must have had the same idea as Steve's.
  20. I had the same issue (quote was basically double that for a UK one) and it was one of the reasons I went UK. Insurance quotes have so many different factors that can contribute to a low/high quote it's just a matter of basically trying as many as you can!
  21. good to know they are decent quality
  22. talkign about JAE, I had a look at the forms, I need contact nr 2 to put down on it. And a mobile: any volunteers? I think we'll book a 20 slot area, which seems reasonable for now I would say.
  23. wow sounds like another great day out to me!
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