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Everything posted by Removed

  1. as leeroy said: you need to decide on model of the wheel, then ask again. Otherwise you could get the Company (some do, not all) to work out the offset to suit your needs: for example I asked that my wheels cleared the brembos and had as fat a lip as possible on the back, Performance Nissan + WORK (who do any custom offset you want delivered
  2. aaaah THAT towel doubt it mate, would make it too expensive
  3. Removed

    "Glovebox" flaps

    aaah interesting, so I'm just wondering if this is the unit we have here in Europe or not! Scott, was your flap motorised then???
  4. grant's got the 20" version they look very good (Italians IIRC eheh) if a bit heavy
  5. are those Kahn's??? I'm sure they are the same as those on grant's Z Roadster!
  6. ooh very good, hope you can stick around as we are a bit scarce in the ICE experts department
  7. I'm not interested personally mate, I'm ok with my WORK Meister S2R forged Was just to show users what you are selling. Try and resize the pics or just "lower" the quality of them, should shrink in size too What prices do you do? bear in mind lots of people here import directly from the US so many UK shops are just not as competitive Alloys are not forged are they?
  8. a towel???? you mean a template? :ol: PS guys hold your horses for a few more days before purchasing one of these..... I promise you won't regret it!
  9. wow great ICE install! not into Cougars, but yours looks nice! PS hope you keep the reg plate for the Z!
  10. for the spacers: there's a couple of companies that do them IIRC. One does 2 types of spacers: one where you can re-use the strut bar, and a taller one where you won't. With regards to the aftermarket plenums (which I would recommend instead of the spacer) the V+ from Kinetix will allow you to use the strut bar, and I think it's the only one which will allow you to do it. As per my UTEC comment, it means that: once you are finished with modding, in NA version, then it's time to do something about the ECU (at this time, since you need to tune the car. So if you add other stuff, you'll have to re-tune) as otherwise the standard ECU is known to revert back to stock settings and compensate over any gains you might have got with your mods. The UTEC is the Engine Management System we are currently trying to organise the event for (see my Signature for thread) and we need the last car to get Jermaine over here and tune our cars. What you see on WRC thread is the Unichip piggyback solution, which IMO is nowhere near as good a solution as the UTEC (and costs about the same)
  11. plenums and spacers are amongst the best NA mods you can do Only issue will be the ECU reverting back and compensating all gains you had with it, after a while But for that you could get a UTEC and get rid of the issue once and for all
  12. Also, there's the possibility to modify the standard Nismo spoiler to fit the Roadster. 350zNismo has it on here... Also, double check that the spoiler you are intending to put on the Roadster fits the boot shape of the car, since it's different from the Coupe'. IIRC Stillen do a specific ZR wing, am I correct??
  13. mate! The common faults are relatively few and can be found in our technical forum and FAQ forum. Also, in addition to those, the odd issue with the clutch and transmission could crop up if you are unlucky, as those are less frequent that the common faults I mentioned above. Enjoy the site, post some pics up (gallery is being fixed, bear with us) on here and again, welcome!
  14. ah yes forgot the famous Courtesy nissan shipping charges nightmare!
  15. 1 GM 1 kuro Roadster 1 blade with Nismo wing
  16. $27! that's cheap i say. Mind you would it be mirrored for our passenger door??
  17. mind you you'd only have a job with english speakers anyway, they'd be the only ones to understand your jokes
  18. Removed


    I have 22k miles on but car is 2 at the end of may so I'm not too bad
  19. collides with a Gallardo..... not nice video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3KgkO6JzlUc article http://www.wreckedexotics.com/newphotos ... _005.shtml
  20. Yeah I mentioned it to Chris last night mate, bear with us
  21. yah but... look @ the email I just got.... beware mate "Item: Nissan 350z Dastek Uni chip piggyback computer (8044641259) This message was sent while the listing was active. scatchmo_1 is the seller. I'm selling this item on behalf of a friend who doesn't have an ebay account, he does not wish to disclose the reserve, sorry. Happy bidding. "
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