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Everything posted by Removed

  1. never heard of this Fidanza before, any good? I did read lots of great reports about the JWT one though
  2. but is it finally the DVD version or the OLD CD version???
  3. nice one! and congrats again PS they do come immaculate, but check it thouroghly before taking possession of it, just in case
  4. I have a 12/176 GT4 badge, des that count?
  5. did you manage to tune your car with the splitsec or not then????
  6. hmmm IIRC Ted2000 had an extra speaker too with his aftermarket Pioneer satnav-dvd player
  7. very nice! and 100% 06! congrats on being the first on this board to get the new specs car!
  8. what clutch did you go for in the end? JWT is one of my favourites price/quality/performance
  9. battery is long enough so you don't need t put the cable in for shortish journeys. You can close the lid. not if you have the wire attached to it though. Wire goes into the fag lighter. People have run the wire behind the centre console e and cut a hole through the rubber mat into the cubby. I left it as it is since i move it from car to car No pic as I'm in snowy Scotland and the Z is @ home
  10. ah yes forgot the downpayment stil APR sounds low enough tbh
  11. yup they do. Was referring to these new units WOreOD was mentioning
  12. OMG that is not bad, at all! now to chase up that payrise... what's the first option for ?? £209x36 comes up £7524 can't be for a kit installed???? CAN IT??? Also, what does the kit include? is it true it doesn't include the APS oil pan? In the US it does. Second price for the kit + warranty??
  13. Hunchback of Notre Dame springs to mind
  14. yeah unfortunately Supagard is just a glorified wax, not worth the money, at all
  15. Good start for the modding bits: may I just say that the front reflectors require front bumper removal! Other bits are straightforward enough mate Black is the worst colour for swirls and scratches I'm afraid But when clean it is nice! Also, lots of cleaning tips in our Detailing forum mate
  16. wonder when that's gonna come to Europe then
  17. mate! Nibby is a great guy, met him personally a few times! Still can't believe he sold his Z! He had Steve-B doing quite a lot of bodykit work on it too! Greddy sides, Veilside V1 front and rear! Looked very nice! He even modified his garage to fit the Z and now he's sold it already! madness I tell you! Must be coz he's a scouser
  18. what a great first post! Love this kind of enthusiasm! where about in the Uk are you?
  19. nice one mate.... http://driving.timesonline.co.uk/articl ... _1,00.html
  20. bloody hell I'm over there tomorrow for the whole week! good job I'll have a sh*tty rental Astra or something anyway...
  21. interior was due a clean, was hoping to do it today and take more pics..... but it snowed! It's nearly spring and it looks like this stupid weather is stuck into winter mode In Scotland all week from tomorrow so don't expect any extra pics soon
  22. bloody hell! want to try the water instead of oil trick on the Z...
  23. tbh I don't mind them in the dry, it's the understeer in just damp conditions that is horrible, as well as general wet handling. That's my opinion anyway
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