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Everything posted by Removed

  1. hmmmm tanks, cool! I like tanks more than planes, I like copters though!
  2. from my part there's no bad feelings We are just an alternative choice for people who don't want to cough up £35 Manchester meet soon it is then
  3. 1) don't think so mate seats are not adjustable width wise 2)it's not an adjustable rev limiter, it's just a shift light (ie to advise you to shift up) but it's one of the options in the computer. keep cycling through them (clock, temperature, etc etc. then adjust shift up light) 3)handling, torque, general coolness feel
  4. clutch is noisy, and you can experience what some call a toned down "cement mixer" noise. Is it the kind of noise you are talkign about?
  5. wouldn't know, site where I am is well out of town, again in the middle of nowhere
  6. some more great gains from... Australia! http://www.350z-tech.com/forums/index.p ... =14826&hl= guy had only an aftermarket exaust fitted.... Also worth noting the importance of tuning, wrt the stuttering mentioned COME ON GUYS LAST CAR NEEDED FOR THIS!
  7. good marks I say http://uk.cars.yahoo.com/car-reviews/ca ... 03773.html
  8. considering that the hotel is in front of a lake of some sort, with not much else around, I'd feel pretty safe leaving the Z in the carpark too, tbh.
  9. are we talking about a product like Paintshield or Armourfend I guess?
  10. Andy what do you do with Yoco? remember your presence @ HIN 05, nice totty you had there
  11. I am as we speak, for the whole working week. Will be up here for the next 7 weeks too, albeit not for a whole working week, just a few days every week of the 7. I'm in.... ehm.... a hotel not far from bellshill, I think
  12. I'll have to see: I need to work on a report this weekend, I'm literally snowed under work!
  13. ? where did you get that info from?
  14. manchester meet soon I suppose! lots of us around this area now!
  15. believe the guy had air leaks during the video mate, not a normal behaviour
  16. Removed

    Badge changing

    warming up the sticky is the easiest option to then take the badges off, but yeah fingers work well too to pull the badge off
  17. depends how quickly you want them, but possibly the US route will be the cheapest for genuine ones btw
  18. hmmmm there should be one in the service manual,if you have it... I haven't got it handy, anyone could post the instructions? Basically how i do it is: take wheel off. Unscrew wheel arch plastics and open them enough to get to the light. change the bulb
  19. cool! Hope we are going tbh another great reason to go: http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1229
  20. guys...... we need to know whether to book show cars with stand or not!!!!! Chris??? Martin??? Steve???? deadline will be saturday this week, as I have to complete the forms, get the money from you and pay the total myself! So PLEASE let me know. Plus, anymore want to come?????
  21. Received a mail from Andy Barnes, of Sumo fame (pink drift 350Z etc www.sumopower.co.uk) Time Attack History Starting off in Japan, Time Attack, Super Lap and Tuner Battles were organised by the media as a proving ground to see the difference between street tuned cars, produced by the tuning industries most respected tuners. Held at various circuits although mainly Tsukuba, Time Attack rose in popularity as the stakes began to rise and the tuners had to keep on developing new and improved machines with which to conquer their competition on track with. Since the early days things have moved on and there are now different levels of vehicles entering the competitions, from road cars to full-on specifically engineered Time Attack cars made mostly of carbon fibre as the sport has evolved. Its drivers normally consist of the racing industries finest, drafted-in by tuners to pilot these unlimited machines in the bid to become the quickest. Time Attack Events Line-up Please find details of the Time Attack Series line up for 2006. This year’s calendar has now been confirmed and the venues and dates are shown below. The initial event, held on 15/16th April will be at the Donny Show and will be a non-point scoring Series round designed as a ‘warm up’ event. From then on in, the first round kicks off in May at Rockingham and through to the final in October at Silverstone with circuit records and podiums crowned on the way. The circuits chosen represent the best available to accommodate Time Attack this year and we are now pleased to announce that Rockingham and Silverstone will become homes of Time Attack throughout 2006. As well as catering for the on track action, both Silverstone and Rockingham boast some of the best spectator viewing and facilities on site and are both located centrally in the UK with easy access for all. Further information about each round will be released nearer its scheduled time with up to date information and details for competitors, teams, fans and supporters of Time Attack. Event lineup Media/Testing day April 15/16th (Sat/Sun) Donington (Donny Show) Round 1 - May 28th (Sun) Rockingham Round 2 - June 17th (Sat) Silverstone (National) Round 3 - July 1st (Sat) Knockhill Round 4 - August 20th (Sun) Silverstone (National) Round 5 - September 17th (Sun) Rockingham FINAL more info @ www.timeattack.co.uk Another extra reason to get to Donny Show guys!
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