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Everything posted by Removed

  1. guys........ we need to book these if we want a stand....... I will need deifnite numbers (and a full form filled with your details, cars details, car pic,, everything the form requires) by at the latest friday 24th march. I'll then send the form and pay. You then send me your money
  2. nice one ! (tell mark it made me laugh)
  3. bet he'll be impressed that someone's pimped it up a bit for him and got rid of the oem wheels PS Nabman I've had a look @ your site with the pics of your Z, very nice! like the 6.5" touchscreen AND the rearview mirror camera thing!
  4. hi there mate I changed my wheels yesterday and had a look at the pads, fronts and rears while cleaning the brakes... seems like i've still got lots to go after 22.5K miles! the metal "auditory" bit was still well clear off the disks, so I'm expecting quite a few miles still.... apart from that, not too sure how'd check it with the wheel in place, try have a better look, you might see the pads anyway
  5. oooo look @ him, all flashy! nice one! wish ours did that
  6. cheeky biatch, you'll pay for it all next week I just use autoglym fast glass tbh, mind you I've colour coded everything so really i treat them like the paintwork
  7. for the car I use my trusty T68i, to date i leave it in the car and put the sim there when needed.... works fine sorry about your issues with the phone, at least it's not the cradle
  8. Thanks very much for the meet! it was lovely to meet you all, and basically this was the first official 350z-uk.com (more than 2 cars) meet! :teeth::teeth: pics in the gallery shortly (of the part where we went to the pub and lost Chesterfiled on the way! my pics here: http://www.350z-uk.com/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=46
  9. NORDIS is the booking system used by the Nissan dealers. Your dealer should be able to check it and see what are the estimated delivery times for your specs
  10. need t inflate my tyres on the Work wheels, put petrol in and head off towards Chris, aim to leave @ 9.30 ish see you there
  11. yup, that's my thoughts. drifting Z's (and some crashing Zs too) are worth it
  12. plain bad luck, again. That's what was wrong great! I'm going to meet out meets organiser! shooting for 11am @ Chriss
  13. could be, I think they might have, although trying to get a warranty claim on a clutch is near on impossible
  14. jeesus 35 ppl is a lot, fair enough with the apparaisals writing I'll make sure I only have middle management under which'll do that for the masses
  15. you 2 take the ****, I'll ask the hotel staff then I'll tell you
  16. it's a nice one. the little pods as you call them I think are extra "resonators" or something similar
  17. you 2 need to get a room I'm not getting them, which ones are you interested in (lot nr) and how much is your max bids??? let me know I'll see what i can do (never participated to a phone auction, nor a live one, gonna end up a mess) also consider the xtra money for using the webcast and vat and auction fees and give me the max you want to bid on also they don't send them to you, you need to pick them up, and time's ight too I think you hav 1 week from end of auction, they are in Birmingham, want me to ask Glyn to pick them up for you?
  18. summer. The 350z will apparently be the baddies' cars: jap yakuza i think. Will prob be tacky, but as long as the Z's on screen, it'll be worth watching
  19. not yet haven't got anyone under me, but that'll soon change then I'll eradicate the bitching and backstabbing, the Italian way
  20. ah yes, just noticed you need to phically phone in to bid. doh! there's a couple of items im interested in, but that morning I'm supposed to go watch Glyn spin like a biatch that he is trying to drift @ Oulton Park... might join them later on? how long are they gonna take to go through 915 lots???????? gonna tak aaaaages! still might be worth it for a bargain or two....
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