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Everything posted by Removed

  1. enjoy your stay mate! Meets are getting more frequent now that the weather is getting better, have a look in the Meets and events section! Next one is THIS SUNDAY for the Charity event in Ellsmere Port! Another interesting one will be Easter weekend @ the Donny show, should be a good one!
  2. oi ! btw Dave..... of your GF!
  3. i got the couple of prizes for the day.... my front lip is being painted for £50! and the club banner has turned up! :yahoo:
  4. it's a setup for fetishists like M13KYF www.carstuckgirls.com mind you I wouldn't mind helping her
  5. after ordering I got a FULL day with a Z so order it and they'll probably will get sweeter
  6. blooooooody hell! :yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn::yawn: was out in Warrington last night for a leaving do, off today, will try and catch up with some sleep then good job you reminded us mate
  7. :yahoo::yahoo::yahoo: bingo! spotted someone on our forum!
  8. Azure coupe , going into the Skoda dealership! i put the window down and did a , he acknowledged
  9. I like desperate housevives! it's funny! and you get to perv for free @ Eva Longoria & Teri Hatcher and yeah the blonde one has a Z roadster
  10. not too sure mate, but the rears seem to beapproaching changing time very fast I think I've done about 7-8k on them up to now...
  11. if it ddn't start for you, most probably wouldn't start for thieves either
  12. open the bonnet: there's a plastic cover that says "battery" on the top right of the engine bay: open that and you'll find it mate Good luck
  13. I test drove the RX8, not a patch on the Z. hair-dryer noise, definitely not my taste. S2000 is too cramped for me, plus you seem to be sitting ON the car and not IN it. Vtec is for me anoying to have to rev it to death to go anywhere. NO TORQUE! especially low down!
  14. no that's fine mate, I just remembered you come from Altringham, so makes sense for me to meet you there
  15. S2k forums gang up and vote en masse for this survey, hence winning all the time..... and no the S2k is not more pactical than the Z ...
  16. yeah that Halfords in Altringham? Fine by me, Halfords car park, 7:40am although I'd have taken the M60-M56 tbh quicker from where I am
  17. mine's the best buy from the Money saving Expert :teeth:
  18. Only person I know has slotted disks (oem machined ones) is PaulW. Pyro also had the full BBk from stoptech in his black Z. I've seen decent disk/pads/brake lines/brake fluid packages to buy on US sites, I'll follow that route when mine need doing
  19. what, the map? easily pleased I see are we deciding fr the first one you said then?
  20. chosen it then, which direction? or is one that you can access from both sides? (as you seem to suggest?)
  21. preparing for the busy weekend here Z cleaning, house cleaning etc enjoy mate... bloody hell btw, you do have the track-day bug havent you?
  22. it's part of the underbody aero kit, apparently.... not too sure it's THAT effective tbh
  23. thanks steve, at least we now know how much of a performance is lost
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