how petty, but then again, it's not the first time
No bad blood from me either guys btw. It's only their mod team who have bad blood vs myself as they see me as a "traitor" somehow I was a member with the old site from basically the beginning of it, and decided my morals were more important than being loyal to their mod team
Also I can understand why they are pi**ed off with the existence of our site, since we are completely free, have already nearly 500 members (half of what they have already ) and offer the same if not better benefits that they offer, for....... free
As far as I'm concerned, the link can stay, it's another way to show our members why here is so much better than over there
PS we are the dark side
PPS see my UTEC thread (in my signature) about another display of the OC not caring much about the UK Z community.....