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Everything posted by Removed

  1. split the thread due to utter rubbish being posted. ONLY USE this thread to finalise details for this meet.
  2. you lot are starting to **** me off. Good job I posted "SARNIE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS" and of course the mong does the exact opposite For the final details on this (and Sarnie if you post on that thread I'll your arse, you have been warned...) please post on the original thread Locked.
  3. still need to get an extra ticket, someone please remind me of the paypal email to pay and how much?
  4. Removed

    USA 350Z

    Performance Nissan are in San Diego.... www.mynismo.com Go to GT Motorsports in LA, they are the ones that made the 4.2L TT with 850hp Also, a few companies in San Francisco. Just go to my350z and check out the sponsors there
  5. I've had it stashed in my garage for 1 year now.... but no point in putting it on before I have to change the clutch
  6. Worsley is quite close to where I am Dorian, glad to see you sold yr house and are ready to move up here! welcome to join us next time we go out!
  7. kin hell, got my door handle (thanks to Chris) from Ebay at... £8? need driver's side too now though
  8. correct, I've set it up so that when I press the space bar the PC powers up and it is from OFF, PC powered down not on stand-by (of course not off from the wall switch though )
  9. we should be staying over considering the distance travelled
  10. yeah Mike's sister is hot! Model!
  11. we already have a spelling checker
  12. yup... but we wouldn't remove someone just out of one of the Admin's will. Anyway, offtopic. (and it's Mike's fault ) I need to source a driver's side handle then I'm going to get mine sprayed black
  13. this is just stirring even more though Sarnie do not answer Dorian's provocation And Dorian....... stop stirring (smilies or no smilies)
  14. yeah it's all fault of the usual spammers.... do some work guys, your bosses will be grateful, honest!
  15. well done Louis! PS don't get the Borla, sounds SHITE! (seriously) (and it's too many parts)
  16. could well be genuine? Paintwork looks a bit shite
  17. guys make sure you promote the Club and say hello to all those OC members... apparently there'll be "loads" of them
  18. Hmmm russian women are hot
  19. I love it when they try and pass you... you let them get close (and drop it in 4th in the meantime ) then floor it and see them struggle :bye:
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