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Everything posted by Removed

  1. Removed


    damn done a search but can find it! steveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee_b and yes I use the net thing
  2. Removed


    yeah you know, that guy that wants to be let out all the time you open the boot
  3. kta! I think a PM to Funkystyling is in order guys, haven't seen him around for a while!
  4. Removed


    i have the 350Z bootmat+ tonneau cover, problem solved oh and a net
  5. you cheeky sod, post that you changed it already then! it was confusing as it was already
  6. Removed

    Which 19s?

    booooooooring...... at least someone else have them in this country go on be unique!
  7. not in the UK, bt as I said try and put the question on www.my350z.com I'm sure I've seen quite a few owners with it on!
  8. true but that pic is staged AND done by a professional photographer Mine is real life, drving whilst on holiday with a 1mp digital camera
  9. 17 votes behind, the OC committee must have caught up with this thread oh well second is better than NOT QUALIFIED!
  10. that's why accounting is a well paid job
  11. not sure what those wheels are... pics come from an owner on 350z-tech, when i have time I will try and get the name of them (but don't think they are the best brand out there otherwise I'd recognise them )
  12. I think it looked quite nice tbh, liked the electric spoiler too
  13. bloody hell mate just as well, they are not worth that amount!
  14. register! forum is well worth it too anyway
  15. very very nice Z you have there mate! I see an HKS SC in the engine bay too, nice! how much is it pushing?
  16. eheheeh Dorian, let's get some pics up.....
  17. saw a couple on the road and very close up too, imo it looks AWESOME! B)B)
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