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Everything posted by Removed

  1. I heard of people having had the same issue with their sunglasses, so you are not alone!
  2. never seen any girls' shoots on jap performance or banzai! *goes to quickly check his jap performance copy* Checked, not one singe girl on it, you must be getting confused mate anyway 2 votes! what's that all about? come on people vote, dammit!
  3. also, I know of quite a few people having had their gas struts replaced under warranty with a Nismo wing, as it's an official accessory. Change dealer, or complain to NMGB CS don't give up
  4. got to be Glyn, he loves to be abused
  5. I'm sorry but I don't agree, even if it's for Z related items. Why? because a minimum of "background" should be there for possible buyers to check. I bought a few second hand items from people in the US Z forums for example, but always checked how many posts they had, what they posted, and how long they have been members for. Many, many conmen and fraudsters out there, just read the US Z forums, for example. It's like Ebay feedback (but not as effective, unfortunately). A minimum of regulation needs to be in place, to safeguard the more naive of our members, as some people would assume that since a person is a registered member, he/she is automatically worthy of being trusted. Admittedly a car is possibly harder to sell fraudolently, but still, imo a little regulation is needed. PS: come on now, don't take us all for fools, amongst the reasons you listed why you are advertising here, you forgot to add that it's free and selling to a private you'll get more money...
  6. patto (and anyone ese who wants to come at the last minute, you have to ring this number 01775 768661, quote you want to get onto the 350z-uk.com stand, pay with a credit or debit card, and give your details and car registration. Ticket and stand will be collected at the gate, but if we met before getting in, both on saturday and sunday, we should be collecting it together anyway Valerio
  7. that's good at least you haven't wasted money then
  8. yup, sounds like they programmed it wrong mate. shouldn't need to double click to open the driver's door AND the secure message means the key is not being recognised by the stereo, ie wrongly programmed
  9. nice to see you buy things on impulse! 'kin hell mate, with a bit more you get yourself a UTEC installed and tuned, with real gains, nevermind just a datalogger
  10. there is! entrance for "stands" will be possible until 8:30am at the latest! so early start all weekend for us and for you on Sunday We won't camp (we are too posh for that, it has been decided ) so we'll have to get back in by then too, on Sunday (and Saturday anyway). For the ticket (and car pass, you need one of those too) we'll have to contact the organisers tomorrow and let you know They did say to Chesterfield it might be possible, so hopefully it'll be ok We'll need your reg plate too (for the above pass)
  11. the winter remarks is very very true. The lip will be hard to keep clean with salt on it mate...
  12. Hi guys I've been wanting to subscribe to one of the three Jap Cars magazines for a while, and decided to go ahead. Don't know which one though! No point in getting more than one either, before anyone suggests, so: Japanese Performance: cheaper subscription than JTuner and has been around a while, quite like the mag JTuner: more expensive subscription (they give you a Drift Bible DVD but I already have it ) Banzai: haven't read it for a while and not as polished as the 2 above Your views?
  13. Just wanted to congratulate Giles (I know he reads us ) for the appearance of his TT Z on May's copy of Jap Performance. Some details are not exact, but overall nice article and pics
  14. fixed it myself! easy to dismantle the plastics of the rear strut bar, locate the squeak, and solve with tape
  15. PS the Italian 350Z club, (I'll attend theiR annual meet at the end of this month) are nearly there with organising a UTEC group buy/install with a local tuner..... basically nearly all members are doing it. Why? because they know what they understood the importance of neutrlising the ECU, with regards to performance mods, ECU issues, enriched AFM due to the ECU detecting the mods etc oh and they are all NA.
  16. always liked the esprit rear (and the Greddy sides)! nice! not much into the Greddy front but that's just me
  17. you didn't look hard enough the chilli was basically close to Tommy Hilfiger shop and I was parked close to the WH Smith shop
  18. still no answer from the "chairman" will post what I wrote to him when i get home at the end of the week. Anyway, just a bump to try and find this last car !!!!!!!
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