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Everything posted by Removed

  1. yeah no probs mate, just waiting for andyC to give me an answer how many tickets do you need? full weekend? trackday time? anything from my post above? also please PM me the REG of the car and your full name (and passnger if you have one) as I need to put in the form
  2. quite sure I saw someone else having this fitted, think this was on the old forum though
  3. sounds good mate, let's see this beast ! :teeth:
  4. ELEVEN CARS!!!!!!!!! :teeth::teeth: gonna be good, weather better be decent
  5. it's a known fact. it was first discovered @ JAE 2004 when my tyres were checked having different code (and pattern) compared to earlier cars. This was due to tyre feathering issues on the previous tyres quite confident they have a TSB out here in UK too for tyre feathering, as they are regularly replaced with new code tyres mate. surely people who have had it done will chime in soon enough
  6. no but the tuner they found is VERY clued up on ECU tuning (on japs, imprezas, evos, racing and rally cars etc) so once they learn how to use the software, they do trust the tuner so, called Jermaine, reported the situation, and he's gonna speak to Chris and come back to me with some dates tomorrow! finally this is taking shape :teeth:
  7. don't think it's still legal, but that doesn't mean it's not possible
  8. Italians now ballooned to 6 members... ringing them now, not including speedball as he hasn't confirmed.
  9. doh! just noticed that, you posted just 1 minute before I did with the scrape post... pass on my compliments to the wife
  10. quite a lot of money IIRC, 7-8k?
  11. 7th May Jacko - Mark TheMinel - Val AndyC Y (90%) M13KYF - Mike Digsy Max Kai Chesterfield Kev Anymore for anymore???? sounds too good to miss guys, come on join us!
  12. you coming then??? if so put yr name down! thought you couldn't!
  13. anyone else interested? I have the feeling the more free stuff we give away, the less people are interested, next time I'm gonna start charging £100 wanna bet I'm gonna have more interest?
  14. same for the replacement filters/CAI by the way
  15. PMd andyC as we need to book the tickets (if we want a stand) by friday...
  16. don't know, not sure we already have someone on here with it installed mate
  17. is it true or are you just taking the p.i.s.s?
  18. modification has to be minimal, probably just for the curve of the boot, will have to trial fit it on one
  19. After reading a review on Fast & Modified, I was intrigued by the properties of this product, and tried to figure out the benefits on our Z: www.motormaxeurope.com I wrote to them asking if we could test the product so that we could review it on here and they kindly agreed to send me 3 kits of their product: I'm testing one (and reviewing it) so we have 2 kits for whoever guesses what is depicted in this pictures entries can be the same as we have 2 kits to give away but of course only the first 2 to post the exact answer will receive the goods (P&P will need to be paid though or collection from my house or at meets is possible). Only thing we ask is to review the product following guidelines, to validate some of their claims below: Faster warm up: time how long it takes your Z to get to temperature (oil temp gauge) before and after adding Motormax Reduced water temperature: again, check what's your water temp gauge before and after Motormax More comfortable passenger compartment temperatures: we all know how hot the Z interior becomes after a good thrashing, so check before and after Motormax Enjoy! PS I haven't received the products yet, but they are on their way
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