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Everything posted by Removed

  1. talking about birds' @*!#... I had a royal dollop on my (paintshielded) bonnet today, took it off, and the shite still manage to somehow corrode the paintshield (not much but close up you can see! and it's only been on less than 24hrs! wtf do they eat these fukin birds... radioactive fish or something
  2. my utec datalogs (not that I managed to get it on the car yet )
  3. works on my chromed lips too! Left the car without a wash for about a month and a lot of brake dust had formed small speckles on my lovely lips, which wouldn't shift wiith the normal Meguiar's wheel cleaner. Was rather peed off when I decided to be courageous and try a little autosol on an inconspicuous area and... works a treat Lips now as new and... no I didn't take any pics
  4. Removed


    there was only one in the US for the fuel duct that could have leaked. never happened in the UK
  5. you can't see your spokes sarnie, they are black
  6. funny how I don't see victorious threads about Liverpool today
  7. stevie, careful not to stuff the Zed...
  8. can't stay overnight as Debbie is working on Saturday Sarnie 2,5 hrs trip would mean zero traffic/accidents/roadworks
  9. I did keep the word whore specifically ok let's say POSTWHORE then
  10. need to rework the leaving time.... we need to be in place by 9.30!!! think will have to leave by what, 5.30am? bloody hell
  11. gonna be scorching when Chris and I will be there
  12. ooooooooooooo I'M SORRY!!!!! :blush: :blush: I hadn't realised you were such a whore! don't send the money! of course it's free honey! For everyone else: Nicola Pmd me asking for a sticker, I asked her for the money not realiseing she is such a whore that she's got over 700 posts
  13. damn that means an even earlier start for me... why are briefings done so bloody early even if the tracktime is in the afternoon???
  14. Varis £££££
  15. I said it on the post above yours?
  16. it is part of the aerodynamic pack that we in europe get as standard, and it's optional in japan, so yeah it will help
  17. good price, be careful they don't make you wait for months though (they will) As i said, I've gone through 2 of them, so yes it's too low. The V1 is nice but a bit boring for my tastes, and will be more expensive. Will also not fit 100% around the edges and will leave a little gap, not very nice. I've seen at least 3 of them like that, and all with the same issue.
  18. yes apart from the rear spoiler but I think they modified the base recently to completely cover the holes from the oem spoiler. better check with Adam though the front lip might not fit the 06 front bumpers?
  19. yup, mass email is always a good idea. need to do it before Chris and I go on holiday though
  20. too low even for a standard car mate. I've gone through 2 of them. Fit is very very good, quality is also good. best looking front spoiler imo, short of going for a new front bumper PS forget those prices mate, search around and you'll see those prices are only "guides" for distributors. UK ones charge an arm and a leg, plus they take months from the order. The guys I use (Speed-racing) are better (still at least 2 weeks) give me discount but there's still shipping to the UK as they are in Italy Zedrush, the V3 is now probably one of the most overused kits out there talk about exclusivity! Plus buy a replica of one of those, and spend ££££ in bodyshop charges to make it fit decently. Not even original Nismo items fit properly, nevermind copies
  21. all inclusive is probably the most boring way to holiday, but i guess it's down to personal taste. I would never buy a whole package holiday tbh where's the fun in that? We are also planning to get married abroad, but will be looking at half board maximum, so that we can go explore during the day. Usually we never book pre-planned holidays, we love to do our own thing and find bargains ourselves, and never get transportation and hotel in the same package unless extremely competitive. last septemeber we went to norway for 10 days, we flew ryanair, hired a car with hertz through them (came out cheapest) then did a coast to coast from east to west and back, was awesome! most nights we stayed at hotels that we had already booked, but a few nights we just stopped where we were, found a place, be it a B&B or a log cabin, paid very little money (even compared to Norwegian standards) and we had that sense of adventure that most holidays should have
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