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Everything posted by Removed

  1. if you decat you'll have a "CEL" light on. This can be solved with the use of so called "non-foulers" which are attached to the O2 sensors between the cats and the sensors themselves. Also, your emissions will most probably be too high too, come MOT time. the exhaust debate could go on forever mate I like my own coupling of Milltek + Kinetix Hi-flow cats (not decats) but the Nismo sounds lovely too, and there's many many others too
  2. as the 27k Miles P1 service is very close, I thought I'd start shopping for the oily stuff and also some front brake pads, as mine are nearly dead Spoke to our friend Simon from Opieoils and got me some Motul 300V 5W-40 and RBF600 brake fluid and got a very good price on some Brembo Sport front pads! Don't think these have been tried on the Z afaik so will let you know how they feel Now it would make sense to do the brake lines too, really! but need to find a supplier who can get hold of some decent ones soon enough! Stillen ones look good from Performance Nissan website, but nearly $200+ shipping, vat and customs ffs! Are they made of gold????? Any other suggestion appreciated about the SS brake lines PS Disks will be on their way from Italy from my mate who's selling basically brand new DBA 4000 fronts and rears plus Nismo pads for €400 and yes they are both drilled and slotted, but they can be done later on as they don't need bleeding the system like the brake lines, i don't think
  3. just noticed on the pics, what's with all these decals in japanese? come on guys be original! Nice JP Aero spoiler too! Also, you need one of these too matey http://www.350z-uk.com/forum/viewtopic ... 5680#15680
  4. Original Nismo manufacturer is Weldina
  5. there seems to be a bit more leeway recently, apparently up to £500 from dealers, I heard? try it
  6. no we have a hill on the plot, that's why We also booked well in advance, if that counts for something Plus, do you have official attending figures from the other side then? surely with all the new members on both sites in the last month or so, there will be so many new faces there!
  7. yeah, the theory is there. Then the discussion rages on about the 3 types of them available ie drilled, slotted and drilled+slotted.
  8. ! hope you find this site as useful as the one where you heard of us
  9. fingers crossed, these sensors seem to have issues when not properly prepared and painted
  10. I read on US sites that you need to be careful on what oil you use in the 'box, as some can do more harm than good. I'm sure in the 350z-tech wiki pages there'll be the answer of what grade to use... have a nose there.
  11. I'm sure you'll do, soner or later. I can't help but think all those supercar manufacturers with drilled disks have equipped their superfast machines with disks that would crack if used on a track. So, drilled or slotted? or drIlled AND slotted? I just say any of these 3 types can end up cracked, and there's no evidence that one type more than another one is more prone to cracking under extreme conditions. Now the fact that specific manufacturers do or do not recommend their disks for a specific application doesn't allow for saying that ALL those types, from other manufacturers need to abide by those rules
  12. what a great weekend! thanks to AndyC, Nick, Holly, Debbie, the Magnaflow/Nemesis guys for the great time, and thanks to the british weather for having burnt most of us! lots to do and see, not extremely well organised but not too bad either. Pics next thursday from me (56k ) but hopefully earlier from AndyC, Andy and Nick
  13. why you selling it? and what you getting?
  14. thanks for the update. This has been dealt with under warranty in the Uk too, so dealerships sholdn't have any issue to solve it
  15. agree, budget is tight to make this car faster, in a way that you'll feel it.
  16. not me, that's for sure I guess people should be quite careful on what they recommend and make bold statements that are not really supported by any hard evidence. I say go with what you think is best for your car and especially considering what use you actually make of it in the first place, but no need to preach inaccurate information
  17. you changing the clutch as the oem is on its way out due to the extra torque? and why OS Giken if you don't mind me asking? Nice Z you have there, nice to see some different wheels on it instead of those bloody Nismo 5 spokes than every man and his dog seems to have
  18. thanks for the invitation, hopefully some of us will manage to tag along sooner or later
  19. do a seach on paintshield and you'll see some pics of my car on the thread about the full bonnet PS the 8 sounds rubbish! I test drove it before getting the Z and sounded like a hairdryer
  20. it's the window electric mechanism that would be a problem. ever tried to open the doors when they are frozen in a winter morning for example?
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