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Everything posted by Removed

  1. and wait to see what's he got in mind for it.... B)B)
  2. yeah mate he's contemplating stroker kits etc... I tried to convince him that with that amount of money he could go TT and forged internals, but he didn't wanna know
  3. anyone up for a meet next weekend???? Tim, it's Fast & Furious 3 launch next friday
  4. nono the units will be sent sooner! in fact any day now, as he's got the 8 he needs, he's just making sure they are all in perfect working order!
  5. they wouldn't work my my badges mate, Courtesy makes different styles, they would work with the "old style " Z badges shown in your gif file, not on my badges
  6. quite a few threads into the ICE section mate, have a nose there I'm gonna do the same sooner or later too, but for the moment I still have the oem stereo
  7. I used tape for the back about 4 times now no problems, about 4 pieces will do, possibly even 3 for the front they used tape originally and I ended up losing the plate! I use screws now
  8. quality, and your pics to kev!
  9. I'm expecting them in the deal mate. remember the mail I sent him? it's in black and white, no other option
  10. I spoke to Jermaine!!!!!!!!!! :yahoo: he's got the UTECs, he's double checking every single unit making sure they are all in perfect working order before sending them over to us. He'll email me when he charges my credit card AND also forward me his flight itinerary asap. he's reconfirmed 29-30 June will be the dates I told him if he doesn't turn up I'm personally flying over there and drag him to TDi! Adam from Z1auto might tag along, which would be great! so, a more positive outlook now, and will be waiting for his emails with the above info and let you all know Valerio
  11. oh and Lew, I PROMISE I'll be sending yours as soon as I have some spare time!!!
  12. I finally managed to put MotorMax in the Radiator after draining about 1L or coolant DIY style: before MotorMax, the engine water needle would get to a stable position in 7 minutes 15 seconds (cold start) After MotorMax it now takes a mere 6 minutes, indicating the heat is transferred much more quickly. (following day, cold start again, of course) The water temperature needle seems to sit a little lower than what it used to, I've taken pictures of before and after... you can see them below. Not too sure it made any difference on fuel consumption to be honest With regards to overall cooling abilities, it could be just my impression, but the aircon seems to be working better, especially these days that I really needed it on full blast!. Overall, for £25 I think it's a worthwhile addition to your cooling system, wonder what the SC or TT guys would experience with it on!
  13. £102 excluding oil (which I provided, nice Motul 300V 5W-40, thanks Simon & Guy ) Didn't do the brake fluid yet (waiting for the brake disks and stainless steel brake lines) but have Motul RBF600 waiting. I was worried I would need to do the pads myself tomorrow, but according to the mechanics, i still have OVER 50% of the front brake pads????????? seems like a lot to me tbh, I think I'm gonna take them off tomorrow and compare them to the new Brembo Sport (made by Ferodo) which I have waiting (thanks Simon & Guy, again ) Service experience: Priory Nissan @ the Trafford Centre are shutting down (that's the second dealer that's shutting down that was close to me, after the one where I got the car from ) and also wouldn't price match (which they usually did) so went to greenwood & Lockwood in Ashton. The whole experience was good, the Service Manager was very helpful and we had a good chat about the Z. they have a Subaru dealership next door and he told me they fit the Prodrive packages in the same garage, so that filled me with a little confidence with regards to their technicians' competence Overall nice experience and also managed to flyer a coupls of Zeds that were there and a prospective owner who was drooling over an 06 GM coupe
  14. madness, wasted money imo
  15. mine are Courtesy badges (chromed) with CF inserts (flexible ones from Protegimus off the old forum) so the CTD ones are different
  16. you are right Chris, although the Italian spent MUCH more than our deal, so that's the issue that keeps me trying to get the stuff from Jermaine himself Tuning wise, again this would be really the best option as in the US tuners' circles he is well known and respected, plus working for TurboXS themselves, you really can't beat the level of tuning they could give you, for that price too! As I sd, let's see how it pans out, I'll try and ring him tonight again, and keep fingers crossed
  17. mate expensive wheels no matter what brand definitely don't like road salt in the winter, at all! hence why i keep my shite oem ones for the winter season
  18. nice one Kev!!! love the Corolla with the old-style Works!
  19. ehm, who are you guys? Has any admin or moderator been informed that you are willing to advertise on here? Can anyone vouch for your company? I've never heard of you guys in the first place... A little manners will go a long way, thread locked please contact an admin/moderator if you wish to advertise here
  20. just noticed our friend Richie does them too, mine were flexible ones though cf covered in gel coating
  21. split from main thread as that one needs to be kept for proper info, not randon questions PS and me thinking I was being civil in answering you some people are never happy
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