here's some pics of my front brake pads after 26k miles, as you can see i still have 1/3 of them left, not too bad!
also, they look quite different from the Brembo sport I bought to replace them! they have the wear indicator and a metal plate where the pistons push, and the Brembo Sport don't have that.
Also the way the pads are at an angle (the middle divered thing) as opposed to the brembo sport ones, which is in a straight line.
Also, both are made by Ferodo.
To take them off I followed the guide from our guides section, strightforward enough if it wasn't for one of the 2 bolts that hold the caliper in place that wouldn't budge, at all, tried WD40, multiple times, with no success.
I still managed to take the pads off without having to take the caliper off (that was really more to do with the disks change, which I'll do soon anyway) but that bolt was seized big time.
Anyway, I put my old pads back as I still have 1/3 of them left, might as well finish them off properly