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Everything posted by Removed

  1. with any software that modifies/enhances pictures go to resize then make it smaller
  2. TheMinel Prescience 350ZNismo Chesterfield M13KYF (saturday) Neo ( might be on hols ) steve jones steve_b Revsport Lomoto (sunday only) NickMSM Kev946 Andy
  3. Sarnie, could you please resize your signature? it's MASSIVE!
  4. can't Pm, but can mass email! I'll put the idea down to Chris & Co
  5. here's some pics of my front brake pads after 26k miles, as you can see i still have 1/3 of them left, not too bad! also, they look quite different from the Brembo sport I bought to replace them! they have the wear indicator and a metal plate where the pistons push, and the Brembo Sport don't have that. Also the way the pads are at an angle (the middle divered thing) as opposed to the brembo sport ones, which is in a straight line. Also, both are made by Ferodo. To take them off I followed the guide from our guides section, strightforward enough if it wasn't for one of the 2 bolts that hold the caliper in place that wouldn't budge, at all, tried WD40, multiple times, with no success. I still managed to take the pads off without having to take the caliper off (that was really more to do with the disks change, which I'll do soon anyway) but that bolt was seized big time. Anyway, I put my old pads back as I still have 1/3 of them left, might as well finish them off properly
  6. Andy will surely want to tag along assuming his car will be ready for the date??? ANDY???????? and all the NW contingent like Jacko & cCo, what are you guys waiting for to put your names down????
  7. Ehm Richie we are getting Jermaine who works @ TurboXS to come over and install and tune our cars as well as just giving us units for those who'll do the work themselves. Units are $700US including remote switch selectora dn Map sensor for the FI cars and Jermaine is charging us £100 each car for installation and tuning, which is cheap enough in my books PS I'm sure TurboXS is american??
  8. Debbie has all his shows and series, he's actually quite funny! I loved the stalker episode, when he runs out of the stalker's house screaming, MENTALIST!
  9. anyone up for a meet next weekend???? Tim, it's Fast & Furious 3 launch next friday I am What you got in mind??? was thinking a spot of dinner before going to see the film? and then maybe a little drive in Manchester city centre just to show off ? I always go to the Red Cinema @ the Lowry, we could go for a pizza there then go to see the film? anyone else up for something like that?
  10. Removed


    too! seems like a pattern for 06 then to be delayed, wonder how Mark from the other side will take the extra wait
  11. get a UTEC and you'll soon be experiencing higher rev-limits (although if you go over 7k you'll more likely break something soon )
  12. extra space available then TheMinel Prescience 350ZNismo Chesterfield M13KYF (saturday) Neo ( might be on hols ) steve jones steve_b Revsport Lomoto (sunday only) NickMSM Kev946
  13. ehm it's the front tyres that give you the problem, why would they want to replace your rears????
  14. if you don't play well but still win, in Italian fooball books it's a great sign guys
  15. the only Nismo spoiler which won't cover original holes is the US Nismo spoiler, like mine
  16. yeah it's been long discontinued, although now there's a similar colour in the states called Interlagos Fire
  17. exactly what I was thinking guys..... the tyre feathering noise is notthing to do with "grinding noise" it's more of a rumbling noise at low speeds. In fact, I have pics of what could cause your noise, ie wear indicator on the brembo brake pads.... the top pad is the oem brembo pad. can you see the metal part sticking out on the bottom left corner? that's the wear indicator, which makes a grinding noise when you come to end of your pads's life
  18. if it's a metal one I doubt it'll be lightweight looking forward to see some figures for it
  19. sarnie, keep the ebc disks! (and pads if you can) in fact, take off all the mods you can in the first place so that youc an use them on your new Z! then price it again
  20. bet you it's Nissan dealer flogging some excess stock
  21. Removed


    you could get onto another dealer and get him to check Nordis (their car ordering system) to see the status of your order for you? but I guess delays are possible btw
  22. thanks for that Woreod
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