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Everything posted by Removed

  1. jacko post a new thread in the meets section with the link to this, please, I need to go do some work!!!! (I know I know but I'm gonna be here till 10pm ffs!)
  2. Liam go watch England will you!
  3. sunday night 100% then? might go watch it twice (one with Debbie tomorrow) I pay student rates anyway mwahahaahahha love my CMI Diploma
  4. now now guys chill but yeah weird first post and link removed
  5. a) get them from the US unless you are 100% that people like Envy have them in stock, ask NickMSM about his problems yes IMO c)www.mynismo.com or any of the guys present on here like Z1Auto, CPrace (do they do wheels?) or keep an eye on the US forums for their sponsors' offers, they like to have good forum users' reputation and look after their customers d)yeah tyre prices are basically the same (when i bought mine I compared and they were the same ish) so you can get them here e)never heard of them
  6. i know the rac trackstar has the backup battery
  7. Removed

    Clicking rear

    there's surely a TSB for Uk too, but not in the public domain afaik, but MANY MANY owners have had that done... so should be straightforward for the dealer to get it sorted mate
  8. because I'm not @ home:dry: Liam make it tomorrow night! or Sunday evening after York?
  9. I drove a tiptronic once, but that's as far as my knowledge of it goes I'm afraid, hopefully someone will chip in soon
  10. quite quiet your so pedantic Val you mean You're!
  11. hmmm intriguing, will have a nose when I got time thanks kev
  12. well we need to check that then we can arrange around it I'll be home tomorrow evening PS we can always do a "watch Italy thrash the USA" in my living rom then go to watch F&F 3 or something if it's in the afternoon
  13. Removed

    350Z GTS

    sorry Stephen, I normally would have posted the link but didn't have time to do it as I was in work
  14. 4500 miles for evo services afaik, still twice as the Z and they are supposed to be.... EXPENSIVE!
  15. yeah guys, for me I think it'll have to be on a saturday possibly
  16. I'm in, need to sort 3
  17. is the chat finally being used then? WHEN I'M IN WORK???? no good, dammit
  18. Removed

    System R?

    hold on let me find their address in jap performance.... they are in Warrington 21/22 aston court kingsland grange warrington WA1 4SG 0800 0196055
  19. NICE PPW!!!!!!! can't wait to see it JAE
  20. great stuff! come on guys let's make it a full house!
  21. NickU, I guess I can sort you out directly with SpeedRacing (or you can do it yourself, but they don't speak english ) Otherwise try Uk dstributors for Lester, but I think they are slow (3 months, NickMSM?) and more expensive
  22. sorry mate but with the average retrim just over £600 for the seats and interior parts, I don't think this a good offer. I understand the "tuner connection", but this doesn't detract from the fact that a good leather retrimmer here in the Uk will do it for half the price you are asking good luck with that. PS it would have been nice and polite to contact one of us (admin/mod team) before posting this
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