this takes place in HongKong...
basically he gets pulled over by the cop, and the cops gives lists all the illegal mods on his car... ie large rims, large air dam, GT wing, hoop scoop, and hood decals... and he asks him to take the car to an inspection station
then after picking up the lady he says the hospital's only 10 mins away... then he asks her if she's scared, and she says 'no', but she find it too bumpy...
then the cops pulls him over, and says 'its you again?'... and he responds by saying i have a pregnant lady on board.
then when they arrived at the hospital, he did the extra doughnuts in the lobby because he wanted to make it there in exactly 10 mins... and then the cops says "that last bit of stunt (doughnuts).. was that necessary?"... and the drivers responds by saying... sorry Sir, i got a little carried away...
then the cop asks the driver to give him the ticket he issued him earlier (to destroy it)... and the cop goes "i'll let you go this time cuz you were saving a pregnant lady, but next time i catch you doing this, i'll revoke ur license.."