I can sort of understand g's and baptist's points of view since they were not interested in the tuning aspect of it. Nothing stops you guys to try and get hold of jermaine and go ahead with this if you like. On your own accord, and DEFINITELY not in any way connected to neither myself OR this website. Good luck with that.
You have to understand that the original great price was based on the fact that he would come over, get the cars tuned, GET PAID, have a day or two on a dyno FROM ANOTHER COMPANY (that got messed around far too much to even think of having a third go at it) so since I started the group buy, I had any right to make my own decisions on how to go any further, or pull the plug. Not only that, but let people know how we definitely were his last priority. I suggest you guys go re-read the UTEC thread to see how many times you got pi**ed off by the non-communication with Jermaine, whether through me or when you tried it yourselves.
With regards to my post on my350Z, it's only fair that members over there know how TXS treated us (and the Italian guys) with regards to even have the courtesy of letting us know what was going on, knowing full well that during the first cancellation, there were TWO other tuning companies involved with days booked and possible loss of revenue due to our cancellations, due to TXS fault. This and the attitude of "not really being bothered" about the whole affair, when it was them who suggested they would come over (when they understood there was a market for it...not just to be good samaritan tuners btw) and lastly the fact that they couldn't even give me a firm date on when the issue would be resolved, were the main factors that prompted me to call off the deal. To be honest I (in this case representing this website and as a Z owner) would rather stay in TDi good books (they are a proven, well thought of UK based tuning company) than wait for these guys to ever show up ad possibly **** off another couple of UK tuners once I had to keep cancelling the dyno tuning days.
The deal was great, the UTEC is a good midrange EMS, the company was not so great with regards to dealing with a possible new market. What do you think TDi would think about them, if they had been interested in distributing/using the UTEC in the UK? Surely you would not want to have a supplier that behaves the way thay have during this whole GB attempt.
With regards to passing the buck to someone else, again not really an option, as you bap and G were only interested in the units and not the install/tuning, which was the whole point of this in the first place. Plus it's not really something that has ever been up for discussion or negotiation really. I set it up, I can call it off. If you don't like my reasons for it, you are more than welcome to try and sort a group buy yourselves